The Standard (St. Catharines)


- JACQUELINE BIGAR www.jacqueline­

IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: This year, you will be driven to achieve a certain goal. You are also in the first year of a new love and life cycle. If single, you will meet a lot of new people and expand your horizons. From this new base of people, opportunit­ies come forward. If attached, the two of you bond very tightly and become even more of a team. Together you can manifest many of your dreams. LIBRA might seem superficia­l but has more depth than you realize.


You become energized midday. As a result, you feel as if you can't be stopped. Others keep appearing at your door or on your cell. If you want to accomplish certain tasks, you might need to screen calls and visits. Tonight: Listen carefully to a loved one's suggestion.


You can expect to be as creative and dynamic as you have been in the recent past. Your attention could be divided as you deal with time-sensitive issues. Do not feel as if you need to handle everything at once. Tonight: Chill.


You could be pushing your luck, not exactly sure which way to go with a personal matter. Your creativity needs to emerge in order to handle the problem at hand. Be more direct in how you deal with a child. Tonight: Mid-week break.


You could be too tired to deal with someone who has a habit of creating chaos in your environmen­t. You cannot avoid this person; rather, you need to deal with them directly — whether you want to or not. Tonight: Head home early.

LEO (JULY 23-AUG. 22)

You display a keen sense of direction. You know what needs to happen, but convincing others of how right you are might be difficult. Let go of any projects that can be put on hold. Tonight: Meet friends for a mid-week break.

VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22)

Use the first half of the day for a key project. Any financial involvemen­t or discussion­s could take the rest of the day — if you have the patience. You need to know your bottom lines. Tonight: Make it your treat.

LIBRA (SEPT. 23-OCT. 22)

You perk up as the day ages. You know what you need to accomplish. Your upbeat attitude takes you far. Others are more inclined to go along with you as you smile through the day. Tonight: Smile and you are likely to get what you want.


Beam in more of what you want. Take your time making a decision today. While in discussion or doing research, some important informatio­n comes forward. Take your time debating the pros and cons. Tonight: Relax with a dear friend.


Emphasis is on friends and an important meeting. Take in all the informatio­n. Sort through what needs to happen. You might want to have a talk with an immediate associate. You will gain a unique perspectiv­e. Tonight: As you wish.


Take the lead with a profession­al or business venture. Your ability to bring issues to the forefront marks your decisions. Others naturally believe you and follow your leadership. Tonight: Going till the wee hours.


Reach out for another person who can help you and others see different options. As your eyes open up and your mind sees the possibilit­ies, you feel a sense of relief. Look for the right way for you. Tonight: Let your mind drift.


One-on-one relating takes you down a new path. Listen to the news with a touch of cynicism. You will gain as a result. You have a better sense of a problem and its resolution than many other people. Tonight: Spend it with a dear loved one.

BORN TODAY: Civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. (1929), musician Pitbull (1981), actress Regina King (1971)

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