The Telegram (St. John's)

Who can we trust?


Is there any such thing as optimism and trustworth­iness anymore in this province?

The Muskrat Falls project as one example, along with other poor maintenanc­e decisions by Nalcor, has put us in what appears to be the worst financial situation in our history! Who are these people that are making these decisions and looking after our best interests? Who are these people who were presented with consultant warning reports and choose to bury the truth? Is anyone accountabl­e anymore?

Where are the morals that these people grew up with? Should we all turn dishonest and say to hell with morals and everyone else? Are we still paying these people large salaries? Will these people still be getting huge severance packages? Will they be getting unsustaina­ble pensions while the rest of us struggle or move away?

Whoever they are, who withheld vital informatio­n from the House of Assembly or Nalcor staff that came up with these drasticall­y flawed or fraudulent numbers, that they should be sought out to make sure that they no longer make any past, present or future financial benefits from this earthly boondoggle mess.

In our past and present situations, we should all be accountabl­e. We should all be able to do a hard day’s work. Most of us have to work to pay our expenses — it’s fundamenta­l.

It appears that the general public is not in tune with the financial impact that is shortly heading our way when the doubled power bills hit us! I, for one, can hardly afford what I now pay, and my eternal optimism is waning fast. The consumer advocate says the planned formula is flawed and will not work; people will adapt, alternate uses of power will be used, as well as conservati­on. Outward migration will be the reality.

I have been saying for awhile now that we have to come up with a new forumula to help pay for this mess. We have to think differentl­y, as my business-minded mom always said: “It’s easier to get along with people, than not to get along!” Develop a new Atlantic Canada plan with new partners, get rid of the do-it-on-our-own philosophy. Partner with Quebec — we have the Upper Churchill and 2041 to consider. Possible tunnel link and road constructi­on in Labrador to consider. Marine Atlantic has major costs with sometimes limited service due to weather. Let’s partner with the federal government, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and all involved in this Atlantic Canadian economical loop.

Hydroelect­ric power, tourism, fishery, oil, transporta­tion, mining, secondary processing — to name a few possibilit­ies — are where the partners can all benefit in a fair manner. Some people have suggested that it has to be total national plan, but how much time do we have to figure that out?

Come on Liberal thinkers, listen to those very people who saw this coming — the editorials, the bloggers (I was certainly wrong). Let’s come up with that new plan, new formula, new direction!

The Supreme Court of Canada is soon contemplat­ing hearing the Upper Churchill contract. Let’s reach out now to Quebec, reach out to Justin Trudeau and get the ball rolling, the waterfall flowing and make things right!

John Crane

St. John’s (for now)

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