The Telegram (St. John's)

Climate change — fact, fact and more fact


Re: Robin Reid’s letter “Climate change — bunk, bunk and more bunk” in the April 14 edition of The Telegram.

Sorry Robin, climate change is not bunk. It’s just ton of science that all points to the same conclusion.

You may not like the conclusion but your dislike will not disprove it or change it.

Tens of thousands of scientist around the world have been studying climate change for about the last 40 years. They have written thousands of papers on the subject using multiple lines of evidence that all point to climate change being real and man-made. This research has been checked and verified as correct by every National Academy of Science on the planet and dozens of Scientific organizati­ons. Included in these are: the U.S. National Academy of Science, the U.K.’S Royal Society, Canada’s Royal Society, the European Space Agency, the U.K.’S Met office, the Japanese Space Agency, the European Academy of Science, the World Meteorolog­ical Organizati­on and many, many, many more. Don’t believe me? Just go to their web sites and read what they say.

Here’s a link for you to follow: “Climate Change: evidence and causes” https://royalsocie­ topics-policy/projects/climatecha­nge/

As for your claim that taxes and levies are job-killing and economystr­angling, I would say that countries around the world disagree with you and are willing to put $Billions on the line to show it. Here’s an example: “China to plow $361 Billions into renewables by 2020” https:// us-china-energy-renewables/ china-to-invest-360-billionin-renewable-power-in2016-2020-iduskbn14p­06p

Robin you’ve had your head filled with nonsense by websites paid for by oil barons and energy companies. Please get better sources of informatio­n.

“Conservati­ve groups spend up to a $billion a year to fight action on climate change”

https://www.theguardia­n. com/environmen­t/2013/dec/20/ conservati­ve-groups-1bn-againstcli­mate-change

Mike Vienneau Moncton, N.B.

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