The Telegram (St. John's)

Provincial Child Death Review Committee makes series of recommenda­tions to government following case reviews


The province’s Department of Justice and Public Safety has released a series of recommenda­tions from the Child Death Review Committee (CDRC) stemming from three cases of child and youth deaths that occurred in Newfoundla­nd and Labrador in 2016 and 2017.

The recommenda­tions relate to relevant protocols, policies and procedures; standards and legislatio­n; linkages and coordinati­on of services; and improvemen­ts to services affecting children and pregnant women.

In one case where an infant child died of unknown causes while in bed, the CDRC recommende­d a public health nurse make contact with all mothers within the first 24 hours to again reinforce best infant sleep practices, and that a health care provider, whether it’s a public health nurse or family doctor, reinforce sleep and safety practices throughout the first year of life.

In the two other cases, both of which involved a youth death via suicide, the committee recommende­d that the Department of Education and Early Childhood Developmen­t create continued awareness of how to contact organizati­ons such as Kids Help Phone and the Mental Health Crisis line.

It also recommende­d that a liaison structure is developed by the department and Memorial University for students with known mental health issues transition­ing from secondary to post-secondary schooling.

All three reports have been forwarded to the Child and Youth Advocate.

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