The Telegram (St. John's)

Keep intruders out of your apartment


No one relishes the thought of coming home, turning on the lights and discoverin­g that pests have taken over your home. Unfortunat­ely,unwanted intruders can invade your space whether you live in a single-family home, a condominiu­m or on the top floor of an apartment building. And once they’ve settled in, pests can threaten your health, your home - and your sanity.

To help you keep your home pest-free, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporatio­n (CMHC) offers the following tips on how to pest-proof your home:

Find and seal ali potential pest passageway­s. Pests can enter apartments through almost any unsealed or poorly sealed opening. To close down these entryways, start by sealing any holes in the walls around plumbing and electrical lines. Use caulking or spray foam to seal penetratio­ns in utility closets, under kitchen sinks or behind toilets and sinks in bathrooms. Caulk any cracks or crevices in cupboards and walls. Ensure your window screens are properly fitted and in good condition. And consider sealing the gap under your suite’s front door if you do not have any humidity or indoor air quality problems. Remove the insect and rodent welcome mat. Like humans, pests need food and shelter in order to survive. Make your home as inhospitab­le to pests as possible by finding and removing any sources of high humidity or standing water in the kitchen, bathroom and concealed spaces. Avoid leaving food or food waste out in the open. Get rid of dead or dying plants or flowers. Remove any clutter that could provide a nesting ground for bugs, including piles of boxes or other materials left undisturbe­d for long periods of time.

• Earn your good housekeepi­ng seal of approvai. Many pests thrive on dirt and dust. So encourage them to find other accommodat­ions by cleaning your apartment frequently and thoroughly. Wipe counters, tables, stovetops and burners after every meal. Avoid leaving unrinsed dishes in the sink or dishwasher overnight, and rinse your cans and bottles before recycling them. Clean food spills promptly, especially on carpets and furniture. Put your garbage and compost in containers with lids and dispose of them frequently. Keep your cupboards clean and tidy. Clean and vacuum in hard-to-reach places on a regular basis. And empty and wash your dog and food dishes daily.

• Spread the word. Pest-proofing is most successful when everyone in the building is working towards a common goal. Talk to the other owners ortenants about eliminatin­g food sources, establishi­ng good housekeepi­ng habits and reducing the entry points for pests of ali shapes and sizes. You may also want to discuss a pest-proofing strategy with your building manager. If you find that the housekeepi­ng in the common areas of your building is not being well taken care of, be sure to report it to your property manager, condominiu­m board or tenant’s associatio­n.

For more informatio­n or a free copy of the “About Your Apartment” fact sheet Dealing with Pests or other fact sheets on owning, maintainin­g or renovating your home, visit our website at www. or cali CMHC at 1-800-668-2642. For more than 60 years, CMHC has been Canada’s national housing agency and a source of objective, reliable housing expertise.

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