The Telegram (St. John's)

Politics, the economy and the abortion issue


Another election has come and gone, and once again, to the chagrin of some, abortion has reared its ugly head again, mostly by those in favour of abortion and the media.

Pro-lifers keep bringing it up because they know the ugly truth.

Those who are in favour of the choice to kill babies in their mothers’ wombs keep bringing it up because they are unaware that abortion has made Canada an ugly country.

And then there are all those in the middle who neither consider themselves pro-life or pro-choice, but who are neverthele­ss uncomforta­ble with the status quo — which is state-funded abortion on demand up to the moment of birth.

If the Conservati­ve Party of Canada had demonstrat­ed that they also were uncomforta­ble with the status quo by, say, allowing their candidates to bring up the issue in Parliament instead of following the other parties’ denial of freedom of speech, speaking out against sex-selection abortion or proposing a state-funded campaign of adoption over abortion they would have picked up many of these votes plus those of the pro-lifers who either stayed home or spoiled their ballots.

Some candidates were afraid to speak out for fear of losing votes, and I would remind them of former MP Tom Wappel (Liberal) who ran in the Scarboroug­h-west and (Scarboroug­h South-west) riding in Ontario for 21 years who spoke out firmly for life on every occasion and in favour of every pro-life bill or motion. With courage, it can be done.

Sadly, oft times candidates fail to see the connection between abortion and the economy and that, by endeavouri­ng to eliminate the former, they improve the latter. 100,000 abortions in our country each year means many empty classrooms, arenas and ballfields. It means much more strain on our health care system due to the cost of abortion itself and the costs of the after affects such as mental health issues and physical health issues.

Of course, since abortion was made legal 50 years ago this year, we have lost thousands and thousands of future taxpayers which does not make for a robust financial situation.

It’s time for politician­s to really think about making life better for Canadians — all Canadians — including those tiny ones residing in their mothers’ wombs and protect all life from the time of conception until natural death. Margaret Hynes Marystown

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