The Telegram (St. John's)

New social, civic contract will be needed POST-COVID


If we truly care about the people in the province who will have lost their jobs, or be on a much reduced income when the curtain falls, albeit temporaril­y, on this awful period, then we had better be prepared to share with them.

It is not morally conscionab­le to have the veil of COVID-19 lifted to reveal a scene where all those who had publicly funded jobs BC (before coronaviru­s) simply continue as before with the same income and benefits, and most of those who were not public servants are on the breadline.

Maintainin­g those public salaries and benefits from a continuum of much reduced to zero revenues derived from anything Newfoundla­nd and Labrador trades is clearly going to drive us further into the financial abyss that has reduced us to sending begging letters to Ottawa.

Clearly we need a new political, social, and civic contract in which everything is on the table, including commitment­s to collective agreements, pensions, etc.

This will take persuasive, transparen­t, and effective leadership.

My hope is that such leaders are hiding their various lights under assorted bushels, but I doubt this. As a private citizen

I am painfully aware that the dialogues and solutions we need will not come from government given that their (politician­s and civil servants) collective natural instinct is to preserve the status quo.

I am at a loss as to how we the citizenry might gather to craft a creative way forward that reverses the attempts at a way backward that we are currently locked into.

Perhaps this newspaper would care to host a virtual citizen’s forum to discuss such matters? Bill Radford, St. John’s

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