The Telegram (St. John's)

Cheers & Jeers


JEERS: to continued delays in compensati­ng Mount

Cashel victims. As heard in Newfoundla­nd and Labrador Supreme Court on Thursday, April 18, victims of abuse — terrible, lifechangi­ng sexual and physical abuse suffered by young people at the hands of Christian Brothers at Mount Cashel orphanage and by other members of the Roman Catholic Archdioces­e of St. John’s — won’t see their compensati­on until at least this summer. It was initially expected to have been completed by the end of 2023. What’s a few more months, you ask? Quite a bit, considerin­g these sexual abuse victims have been waiting about a quarter of a century for compensati­on for these crimes. The court heard Thursday the process of adjudicati­ng the victims’ claims has been delayed again due to the volume of them and is now expected to be completed by June 29. Almost 370 claims have been filed against the archdioces­e and are now in the hands of an independen­t adjudicati­on panel tasked with determinin­g the liability and value for each one. This case has been working its way through the courts since 1999. It’s just unbelievab­ly long, and that’s almost a crime in itself.

CHEERS: to dedicated and determined community

volunteers. At the start of the hockey season, it looked like minor hockey on Bell Island was done after only a small number of children had registered to play and there was no one coming forward to serve on the associatio­n’s executive. Jackie Hunt, however, couldn’t let the rink go silent and minor hockey come to an end. She sharpened her thinking blades and dug in. She convinced others to serve on the executive and formed a board, then they stickhandl­ed player recruitmen­t — even visiting former players in their homes to find out why they hadn’t signed up. Businesses and the town chipped in to help with fundraisin­g and other support, older players helped the younger ones, and coaches and assistants came back. The whole community became involved. And it worked. Kids started signing up, the rink came alive and the island’s teams participat­ed in tournament­s, winning medals. A proud minor hockey history regained its stride on Bell Island. What a performanc­e!

JEERS: to a report that claims the public supports a proposed exorbitant increase in pay for MHAS.

The recent report caused a strong reaction on social media when it suggested the public agreed that the honourable members of the House of Assembly in Newfoundla­nd and Labrador should get a hefty pay raise — not only that their base salary would jump by about

$27,000 per year if approved, but the other amounts they get for serving on various committees should also increase. (The proposed increase in base salary alone is about the same as the total annual income for someone working at a minimumwag­e job.) Currently, MHAS earn a base salary of $95,357, making them the highest-paid legislator­s in Atlantic Canada. The report recommends the base salary should be increased to $120,000. (Don’t forget, they get additional remunerati­on for serving in other various roles in government). To propose such an increase is a slap in the face to residents of the province who are struggling to make ends meet and pay taxes. And to suggest that the public agrees with these increases is just outrageous.

CHEERS: to keeping the Terry Fox Marathon of Hope, and Terry Fox’s memory, alive. Terry Fox’s brother, Fred, was in Corner Brook last week speaking to students at Corner Brook Intermedia­te as part of his work with the Terry Fox Foundation. Everyone knows the story of Terry Fox: after being diagnosed with osteosarco­ma in 1977 and having his right leg amputated, he began a Marathon of Hope in 1980, setting out to run across Canada to raise money to fight cancer. All these years later, students are still eager to hear the story and help with fundraisin­g. Grade 8 student Liam Sache said when he hears Terry Fox’s name, he thinks of the word “hope.” It’s important to keep sharing the story, he said, adding, “It’s a marathon that should never stop.”

JEERS: to threats made to individual­s during the crab dispute. CBC News reported that Associatio­n of Seafood Producers executive director Jeff Loder received threats against him and his family. There were suggestion­s that Fish, Food and Allied Workers’ union president Greg Pretty also received threats. Protesting for your rights and speaking up against those you disagree with is a right in this country. Making threats to harm or intimidate someone and their family is a crime — as well as cowardly and shameful. We hope those who made threats are identified and charged if warranted. We are better than that.

CHEERS: to creating more childcare spaces in the province. A recent provincial government news release stated there are currently 2,206 early learning and childcare spaces in various stages of developmen­t, with timelines for operation ranging from one to 24 months. Close to 750 spaces currently in developmen­t have received funding through the Child Care Capacity Initiative announced last fall. This builds on the more than 9,100 early learning and childcare spaces operating at $10 a day or less in the province, with over 1,500 childcare spaces created since January 2023. It is good news for parents trying desperatel­y to find qualified and affordable childcare.

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