The Welland Tribune

Researchin­g independen­ce

Péladeau hopes research institute will prove merits of separation


MONTREAL — For more than four decades, the majority of Quebecers have remained unconvince­d about the merits of independen­ce, and Parti Québécois leader Pierre Karl Péladeau thinks he knows what’s missing: Research.

Péladeau is preparing to launch what he calls the Quebec Institute of Applied Research on Independen­ce, fulfilling a promise from his 2015 leadership campaign. Its aim is to pump out studies proving the “concrete advantages” of independen­ce and expose how federalism drags the province down.

But even before its official launch, which Quebec City’s Le Soleil newspaper reported could come as early as next week, Péladeau’s research institute has hit choppy waters.

The Coalition Avenir Québec, led by one-time PQ finance minister François Legault, this week criticized Péladeau’s intention to kick-start the institute with a hefty personal donation and questioned whether the institute will respect Quebec electoral law. The leader of a rival separatist party, Option Nationale, warned that the institute must remain independen­t of the PQ, a challenge considerin­g how closely the initiative is associated with Péladeau. And a researcher with a federalist think-tank observed that Péladeau is deluding himself if he thinks a few research papers will convert people to the sovereignt­ist cause.

Péladeau, the billionair­e former chief executive of media giant Quebecor Inc., announced his plan for the institute last February. It was initially supposed to be up and running by the end of 2015, but it has been delayed. “I’ve been very busy. There are a lot of things that I’m doing right now,” Péladeau told reporters Thursday, adding that an announceme­nt about the institute will be made “in due time.”

Péladeau has said the institute’s researcher­s will answer, before the next provincial election in 2018, such questions as what currency an independen­t Quebec should use, how federal assets and debt should be divided and what sort of military an independen­t Quebec would have. Studies would show how Quebec suffers as part of the federation and identify actions that would lead to independen­ce, he said in his leadership campaign literature.

“For decades, our political adversarie­s have told us that we are not rich enough to be independen­t, that we rely on the federal government and its transfer payments,” he said. “Our objective will be to prove the opposite. We, Quebecers, only need our talent, our energy and our land to take advantage of our expertise and to succeed in our country.”

Sol Zanetti, leader of the separatist Option Nationale, said he agrees that research on the benefits of sovereignt­y is lacking. In 2005, before he left the PQ, Legault prepared a mock budget for an independen­t Quebec, projecting that it would run a surplus the very first year. PQ and Bloc Québécois advisor Stéphane Gobeil (who this month jumped to the CAQ) published a book in 2012 examining federal and provincial taxation and spending. He calculated that Quebec would have an extra $2 billion to play with if it were independen­t.

Both Legault’s and Gobeil’s conclusion­s were challenged by federalist­s, but Zanetti said more research along those lines is needed. “It’s a good initiative, but it needs to be presented as a nonpartisa­n project,” he said.

Benoît Charette, the CAQ’s critic for intergover­nmental affairs, has no doubts that Péladeau’s institute will be an extension of the PQ. “It’s a body promised by Mr. Péladeau, that he intends to finance himself, and that, by his own admission, will have the mission of preparing the arguments of the party he leads going into the next election,” Charette said in a statement this week. He said donations to the institute should be limited to the $100 per voter allowed to political parties.

Éric Montpetit, a Université de Montréal professor of political science and researcher with the federalist think-tank The Federal Idea, welcomed the arrival of a research group with an opposing bias.

Montpetit said Péladeau is likely in for a disappoint­ment if he thinks a research institute will tip the scales in favour of independen­ce. “Support for sovereignt­y is not very high, and there are undoubtedl­y good reasons for that,” he said. “The probabilit­y of a researcher from this institute arriving with a great discovery that will lead everyone to change their minds overnight is very, very unlikely.”

 ?? CANADIAN PRESS/FILES ?? Parti Quebecois leader Pierre Karl Peladeau has set up a think-tank to prove the “concrete advantages” of independen­ce and expose how federalism drags the province down.
CANADIAN PRESS/FILES Parti Quebecois leader Pierre Karl Peladeau has set up a think-tank to prove the “concrete advantages” of independen­ce and expose how federalism drags the province down.
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