The Welland Tribune

A boomer learns to run

50-something finds the freedom and joy of childhood


NEW YORK — It’s the last five minutes of my 45-minute run. I’m panting. Tuning out the occasional twinge of pain.

I’m a 50-something baby boomer who’s never been to a gym or taken an exercise class.

A few months ago, I decided to run. I wanted to recapture that feeling of freedom and joy from childhood.

But there seemed to be so many obstacles to running now: Gear, time, weather, fear of injury, discomfort.

Here’s how I learned to run:

The app

A 20-something cousin told me about the Couch to 5K app. She said it made running painless by increasing your time and distance very gradually.

I downloaded the app to my phone for $2.99. It was easy to use. I clicked “Week 1 Day 1” and followed instructio­ns: a five-minute warm-up walk; then, for 20 minutes, alternatin­g one minute of jogging with 90 seconds of walking; then a five-minute, cooldown walk.

The intervals gradually increased over nine weeks until I was running 30 minutes straight. I checked out other running apps, but they seemed unnecessar­ily complicate­d.

Use the app’s lock key to prevent swipes that pause, fast-forward or rewind the program as you run.

Whenever the app bumped me up a notch — say from five to 10 minutes running, it at first seemed impossible. But each time, I upped my game.

After nine weeks, I was doing over five kilometres. I added more time and distance using the “free run” setting so the app’s log could track my data.

I’m still searching for the perfect music, switching between Spotify, Pandora, Songza and Slacker Radio. I refuse to make oldies playlists — though Get Off of My Cloud is the right tempo for my slow pace.

Gear and weather

I didn’t want to buy new gear. But I needed weather-appropriat­e clothing and good shoes.

I dug out an unused pair of cross-trainers I’d bought at a tent sale long ago for $40. But after three months, my heel ached.

I went to a running-gear retailer and submitted to the evaluation: You run on a treadmill; they videotape you and recommend the right shoes. I splurged on a $150 pair with extra heel padding — three times more than I have ever paid. The heel pain was nearly gone within two runs.

I also raided my teenage son’s closet. I wore tank tops and his basketball shorts until the weather changed; now I wear his jerseys, long pants, cap and windbreake­r. The cold bothers me less than I’d imagined.

Finding time

Between commuting, work and other commitment­s, 12-hour days are my norm.

Once a week, I run a 5K loop in my park around 6 a.m. It’s dark when I start, but the park is welllit, with enough joggers, bikers and even parents pushing strollers to feel safe. And the sky is awesome, then sunrise.

Once a week, I run at night on busy streets. I’ve discovered a whole after-dark world out there: Runners, dog-walkers, teenagers and cleaning crews.

When I run the park weekends in the daytime, the sunshine feels luxurious.

Mind, body and racing

Boomers accounted for 18 per cent of New York marathon finishers this year. But only 10 per cent of the 18.7 million people who completed all types of races in 2014 — from 5Ks to marathons — were 55 or older, according to Running USA, an organizati­on that promotes the sport.

No wonder I’m older than most runners I see. I’m less worried about speed than injury. A friend who started running with me stopped after a few weeks due to aches and pains.

I watch videos and read advice on warming up, stretches, treating soreness, preventing injury and form.

I sleep better and feel more serene running. Call it runner’s high, dopamine, endorphins — troubles fly from my head with every step. Sometimes I can’t stop smiling.

I even ran an eight-kilometre. My 55-minute time was nothing to brag about, but I placed in the middle of my age group. I was just pleased nothing hurt and that I still had plenty of energy when I was done.

It brought me back to that feeling from childhood: Running with freedom and joy.

 ?? BETH J. HARPAZ/AP PHOTOS ?? Joggers in Prospect Park in Brooklyn, N.Y. Middle-age runners who are novices must overcome fears of injury and the humiliatio­n of being passed on jogging routes by younger, fitter runners, but the payoff is worth it.
BETH J. HARPAZ/AP PHOTOS Joggers in Prospect Park in Brooklyn, N.Y. Middle-age runners who are novices must overcome fears of injury and the humiliatio­n of being passed on jogging routes by younger, fitter runners, but the payoff is worth it.
 ??  ?? Jogger poised for a run in Prospect Park, in Brooklyn, N.Y., on a path covered with colourful autumn leaves.
Jogger poised for a run in Prospect Park, in Brooklyn, N.Y., on a path covered with colourful autumn leaves.
 ??  ?? Sneakers, headphones, house keys and a cellphone displaying the Couch to 5K app — all the gear a jogger needs to head out for a run. The Couch to 5K app offers gentle guidance for novice runners looking to go from being a couch potato to being able to...
Sneakers, headphones, house keys and a cellphone displaying the Couch to 5K app — all the gear a jogger needs to head out for a run. The Couch to 5K app offers gentle guidance for novice runners looking to go from being a couch potato to being able to...

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