The Welland Tribune

Netanyahu rips media, opposition in face of corruption case



TEL AVIV, Israel — Israel’s embattled prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, lashed out at the media and his political opponents in an animated speech to hundreds of enthusiast­ic supporters on Wednesday, seeking to deliver a powerful show of force as he battles a slew of corruption allegation­s that have threatened to drive him from office.

Netanyahu’s Likud Party organized Wednesday’s rally in response to a swirling police investigat­ion into suspected corruption, bribery and fraud by the longtime Israeli leader.

Party leaders described the gathering as an attempt to counter what they believe is a campaign by a hostile media and overzealou­s police and prosecutor­s. But the gathering was also seen as a test of Netanyahu’s popularity and control over his party. For now, Likud appears to be firmly behind its leader, and any internal opposition remains in check.

Addressing the packed convention hall, Netanyahu accused the “leftist” media and political opposition of pushing for an indictment to topple him because they cannot defeat him at the ballot box. Some estimated the crowd numbered at least 2,000.

“The left and the media, and they’re the same thing, you know, they are mustering an obsessive, unpreceden­ted hunt against me and my family to carry out a regime change,” he said.

“Their aim is to apply illegitima­te and nonstop pressure on law enforcemen­t so they file an indictment at any price, with no connection to the truth, with no connection to justice,” he said.

The speech resorted to a familiar strategy to Netanyahu. During a three-decade political career, he has frequently attacked the media, political opposition, Israel’s Arab minority and the Palestinia­ns in an attempt to rally Likud and portray himself as a victim.

Former prime minister Ehud Barak, one of the targets of Netanyahu’s sniping, rebuffed Netanyahu’s comments saying “there’s no hunt, there’s corruption.”

Yair Lapid, a former finance minister under Netanyahu who heads the Yesh Atid party, tweeted after the prime minister’s speech that it “crossed every line.”

“What we saw this evening wasn’t a rally of support for Netanyahu but a rally in support of corruption,” Lapid said.

Netanyahu made no mention of the police or prosecutor­s handling the investigat­ion. But he warned the Palestinia­ns against hoping for his political demise. Palestinia­n leaders “will be disappoint­ed too, because it won’t happen,” he said.

Likud leaders put heavy pressure on party activists to attend the rally. The gathering had a festive atmosphere, with activists hoisting Israeli flags, banners criticizin­g the media and chanting “Bibi, King of Israel,” using his nickname.

Netanyahu, the second-longest serving leader in Israeli history, is engulfed in a series of scandals relating to alleged financial misdeeds and supposed illicit ties to executives in media, internatio­nal business and Hollywood.

Israeli police investigat­ors say they suspect Netanyahu of being involved in bribery, fraud and breach of trust in a pair of cases.

 ?? JACK GUEZ/GETTY IMAGES ?? Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blows a kiss to the crowd as he’s surrounded by activists during a gathering at the Tel Aviv Convention Center on Wednesday, in a mass show of support for the prime minister who is facing a string of corruption...
JACK GUEZ/GETTY IMAGES Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blows a kiss to the crowd as he’s surrounded by activists during a gathering at the Tel Aviv Convention Center on Wednesday, in a mass show of support for the prime minister who is facing a string of corruption...

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