The Woolwich Observer

Mucking about in Venezuela isn’t likely to end well


THE DECISION TO PROMOTE Juan Guaidó as a rival president to Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela was clearly made in Washington, not in Caracas. The speed with which U.S. allies in the Americas and western Europe recognised Guaidó’s claim on January 23 to be the legitimate president of Venezuela would not have been possible without a lot of prior coordinati­on – and a lot of pressure by the Trump administra­tion.

It’s no surprise that right-wing government­s in Latin American countries like Colombia and Brazil are going along with a U.S. attempt to overthrow a leftwing regime. (The support of Brazil’s new neo-fascist president, Jair Bolsonaro, was a foregone conclusion.) But it’s shocking when Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Spain also back this sort of interventi­on in another country’s internal affairs.

Maduro’s government does not deserve to survive. It has run the country’s economy into the ground, its ‘re-election’ last year was the product of a ruthlessly rigged vote, and three million Venezuelan­s (10 per cent of the population) have fled abroad. But this is a problem for Venezuelan­s to solve, not foreigners, and least of all Americans.

There is a long, bad history of American attempts to overthrow left-wing government­s in Latin America. Some of them, like Cuba (1960), Nicaragua (1981) and Venezuela (2002), were against regimes born in revolution­s; others, like Brazil (1964), Chile (1973) and Argentina (1976), were against democratic­ally elected government­s. It made no difference to Washington.

It used to make a difference to Washington’s allies in Europe and North America, however. They were all in favour of democracy, but not ‘democracy’ delivered by American guns. They also fretted that these U.S. interventi­ons were all made in defiance of internatio­nal law as embodied in the charter of the United Nations. It was American exceptiona­lism run wild: Maduro is historical­ly quite right to talk of the “gringo empire.”

Now the Europeans and the Canadians are willing to back an interventi­on of the same sort in Venezuela, which is very hard to explain. Recognizin­g a rival president as legitimate (on very flimsy grounds) opens the way to supplying his alternativ­e regime with money and weapons, and thence to civil war in Venezuela.

It also creates the preconditi­ons for direct U.S. military interventi­on in Venezuela, and sure enough U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was soon saying that “all options are on the table.” As everybody knows, that’s U.S. government diplomatic-speak for “we may invade you.” So will they?

You’d think that senior American military officers and government officials would have figured out by now that this is not a great option. Overthrowi­ng government­s they disliked by military force didn’t work out so well in Afghanista­n, Iraq and Libya, so why would they think that doing it in Venezuela would work out any better? Even invasions undertaken with good intentions generally end in tears.

But hang on. Almost all the ‘adults in the room’ in the Trump administra­tion have quit or been fired by now, and the second-raters and nonentitie­s who replaced them have no feel for how these things work. Would any competent and well-informed U.S. administra­tion be toying publicly with the notion of attacking Iran? (“Options on the table” again.)

Invading Venezuela would not be as stupid as attacking Iran, but there would certainly be an armed resistance, and even Venezuelan patriots who despise Maduro would be tempted to become part of it: foreign armies of occupation almost always end up being hated. Cuba, Russia and perhaps even China would help the resistance with money, and perhaps with arms (although there are quite enough of those in Venezuela already).

This is a dangerous

game, and it is hard to believe that sensible government­s like those in France, Spain and Canada really think encouragin­g Juan Guaidó to claim that he is president of Venezuela on the grounds that he is president of the legislatur­e is a good idea.

Maybe they are so frightened of Donald Trump that they feel compelled to go along with his harebraine­d scheme, but that seems unlikely.

Trump is not that frightenin­g once you have worked out that he will settle for even the slightest symbolic concession and claim it as an historic victory. The Mexicans and the Canadians both exploited that fact in the NAFTA renegotiat­ion, North Korea’s Kim Jong-un is about to do it again in his second ‘summit’ with Trump, and in due course China will do it over the alleged China-U.S. ‘trade war’ too.

The darker possibilit­y is that America’s NATO allies are afraid that he is going to drag them into a war with Iran, and are willing to contemplat­e the risk that he may stumble into a war in Venezuela instead. After all, it would do less damage – except to the Venezuelan­s, of course.

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