Times Colonist

Leaders shocked, saddened by tragedy


The sinking of the Leviathan II triggered painful memories for Alberni-Pacific Rim MLA Scott Fraser, who was mayor of Tofino in 1998 when an inflatable whale-watching boat capsized, sending four people into the water.

The boat’s operator and a German tourist died. Two other passengers survived.

Fraser said he was “crushed” to see another tragedy in the same area.

“My heart goes out to all the families, friends and loved ones of everybody that has lost their lives and those that are recovering,” he said. “It’s hard to imagine the unexpected terror that that would bring. It sounds like the boat went in the water very quickly.”

Fraser said the area where the boat sank is a popular spot for viewing sea lions and other wildlife, but that it can also be treacherou­s because of the many rocks and reefs.

“It’s the open Pacific there,” he said. “This is the real thing. It’s a powerful place and it’s that power that attracts people from all over the world — the majesty and power of Tofino and the West Coast. With that, inherently, comes some risk.”

As in 1998, he said the people of Tofino will be reeling for weeks and months to come.

“People live on the sea there,” he said. “They make their livelihood­s in many cases on the sea or the because of the ocean and the majesty of that area. So everybody gets devastated. This strikes right to the core of the people of Tofino.”

Fraser said the healing began Monday night at a community gathering.

“The ripple of this lasts for an awful long time — months and years,” he said. “It’s a wake-up call to all of us, including the residents of Tofino, of how powerful the place is, and really, we can put as many safety plans in place, but you can’t plan for everything. There’s too many variables, and sometimes things don’t work out well.”

Premier Christy Clark also issued a statement on the deaths.

“My thoughts and my prayers and those of all British Columbians go out to the families and the loved ones of those that were lost or injured,” she said.

Clark said Emergency Management B.C. has been in close contact with the Joint Rescue Co-ordination Centre to ensure all necessary resources were available for the search.

Courtenay-Alberni NDP MP-elect Gord Johns, who has lived in Tofino for 21 years and owns a home there, returned to the coast from Ottawa after hearing of the sinking.

“I want to go home and be there for the people in our community and provide as much support as possible for people there, and support the victims and search and rescue and emergency personnel who took great risks to go out and search,” Johns said.

 ??  ?? A sea lion jumps near a life-raft used on the whale-watching boat Leviathan II, near Tofino on Monday.
A sea lion jumps near a life-raft used on the whale-watching boat Leviathan II, near Tofino on Monday.

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