Times Colonist

Actor Ethan Hawke backs ban on oil and gas in St. Lawrence


ANTIGONISH, N. S. — Fourtime Academy Award nominee Ethan Hawke has added his star power to efforts by environmen­talists and a Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq community who are trying to muster support for a moratorium on oil and gas exploratio­n in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

Hawke was the special guest of the Mi’kmaq community’s annual water ceremony Monday in Pomquet Harbour near Antigonish.

Hawke, who owns land in nearby St. George’s Bay, was asked to attend the event in support of his neighbours. The actor said he wanted to stand up for “an absolutely magical place” where he has lived for parts of the summer for the past 15 years.

“I’m sure some people are wondering what I’m doing here,” said Hawke. “I’m largely here as your neighbour and your friend and a friend to this area.”

Hawke said the native community members have proven to be trustworth­y stewards of the land and it was an honour to take part in their event.

The ceremony involved prayers and offerings by Mi’kmaq elders as the sound of traditiona­l drums and the smell of burning sweetgrass filled the air.

Held each season, it honours the Mi’kmaq people’s relationsh­ip with the water, the fish, the land and their resources.

Hawke said he’s glad his celebrity drew media to cover the event. But he also downplayed his participat­ion. “I know the real difference will be made in other rooms,” he said. “It’s just an opportunit­y to talk about it. I was invited to be a part of this so I take it seriously.”

The Mi’kmaq and environmen­tal groups want a 12-year moratorium on any potential drilling in the gulf. They say it will take that long to complete a proper and comprehens­ive environmen­tal assessment of a biodiverse area of the ocean.

“While Canada’s thinking about drilling out there we are telling them they can’t do it without talking to the Mi’kmaq,” said Troy Jerome, director of the Mi’gmawei Mawiomi Secretaria­t.

Jerome said with a new Liberal government about to take power in Ottawa, Canadians need to ask their MPs what they are doing about the gulf. “Ethan Hawke is here doing something about the gulf, what are you [MPs] doing about the gulf?” he said.

 ??  ?? Actor Ethan Hawke, an area property owner, poses with elders as he attends the Mi’kmaq community’s water ceremony on the shores of Pomquet Harbour to support the aboriginal call for a moratorium on oil and gas exploratio­n.
Actor Ethan Hawke, an area property owner, poses with elders as he attends the Mi’kmaq community’s water ceremony on the shores of Pomquet Harbour to support the aboriginal call for a moratorium on oil and gas exploratio­n.

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