Times Colonist

Esquimalt Village a step closer as proposals sought

‘We are ready to roll,’ mayor says

- ANDREW A. DUFFY aduffy@timescolon­ist.com

The long-promised and often-studied Esquimalt Village project could be a reality in 2016 after the Township of Esquimalt last week issued a request for proposals to develop the project.

The project is a reimaginin­g of 87,000 square feet of municipal land in the 1200 block of Esquimalt Road, next to the municipal hall. The lands used to house a public works yard and a municipal hall.

Esquimalt envisions a town centre with retail, residentia­l and office space, a new library, an education facility and open spaces for the public.

“It’s a huge day — I’m so excited, council is so excited. It’s been a long process, but a valuable process, and we are ready to roll on it now,” said Mayor Barb Desjardins.

“This project through the years has been seen as a catalyst for change and growth in Esquimalt.”

Desjardins would like to see shovels hit the ground next year.

“These pieces of land have been studied, studied and studied,” she said, adding: “We are finally getting all of those studies dealt with, off the shelf and putting them into action.”

First, Esquimalt needs a remediatio­n plan for the site, said Bill Brown, director of developmen­t serv- ices for the municipali­ty.

Brown said it’s hoped that will be finished early in 2016, as it will provide guidance moving forward.

At this point, he said, it’s believed there is only salt on the site. That could mean a simple excavation and removal of the soil.

“We are hopefully going to give [the developers] a certificat­e of compliance [from the Ministry of Environmen­t],” Brown said.

The site has also undergone a geotechnic­al analysis, an archeologi­cal assessment and a survey to consolidat­e the boundary.

The deadline for developers to submit proposals is Dec. 10, after which council will review and choose their developmen­t partner.

Esquimalt also promises a comprehens­ive engagement process to give the public input into shaping the final design.

Desjardins said completing the project during her term in office will require a “fairly aggressive timeline.”

“But council has the will to do it and will ensure the process runs as quickly and smoothly as possible.”

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