Times Colonist

Does strata rental end when a unit is sold?

- TONY GIOVENTU Condo Smarts tony@choa.bc.ca Tony Gioventu is executive director of the Condominiu­m Home Owners Associatio­n (CHOA)

Dear Tony: Our strata corporatio­n has a bylaw that permits up to eight strata lot rentals at any time.

The bylaw is fairly straightfo­rward and stipulates that owners wishing to rent must apply in writing and are placed on a priority list.

The term of rentals is for the term of each tenancy, at which time a person who rented their unit is placed at the bottom of the waiting list if there is one.

Our property manager has interprete­d this to mean that when a strata lot is sold the tenancy also terminates, because the owner who made the applicatio­n has sold their unit.

This does not seem fair to the tenants who would suddenly find themselves without a home. What would happen if this were an estate? Would the tenants be automatica­lly evicted? The strata council of Edgewood Manor

For some reason, strata councils and property managers forget the basic principle of strata bylaws: Bylaws must still comply with the B.C. Human Rights Code and every other enactment of law, including the Residentia­l Tenancy Act.

The Residentia­l Tenancy Act makes it clear that not every sale will end a residentia­l tenancy. Without a tenant’s agreement to vacate, the act requires a landlord to provide the tenant with at least two clear months’ terminatio­n notice when a rental property has sold.

In addition, the notice cannot be issued until all of the sale conditions have been satisfied and the buyer has made a written request to the owner to end the tenancy because the buyer or their close family member intends (in good faith) to occupy the property.

Alternativ­ely, some buyers might not wish to end the tenancy right away, in which case the tenancy continues under the existing tenancy agreement despite the change in ownership.

Your bylaws permit eight strata lot rentals, not eight owners of strata lots.

Lisa Mackie, a strata lawyer with Alexander Holburn in Vancouver, suggests that buyers and sellers address the buyer’s intended use of the rental property at the outset of negotiatio­ns.

“Buyers should be clear about their intention to live in or lease out the rental property. When a buyer intends to move in, the vendor must get moving in accordance with the [Residentia­l Tenancy Act’s] strict earlytermi­nation procedures. Although a strata corporatio­n’s rental bylaws are certainly ‘laws of the land,’ these laws do not override a landlord’s rights or obligation­s under the [Residentia­l Tenancy Act.”

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