Times Colonist

Spend money on transit, not interchang­e


Re: “$26 million in upgrades for Victoriaar­ea transit,” July 20. It is good that the B.C. Liberals have finally committed to starting on the highway bus lanes they promised “soon” in 2008. But provincial transporta­tion priorities are still backwards.

We are in a climate emergency that threatens everything humanity values, but public funds are still going to projects such as the McKenzie interchang­e that increase carbon pollution and make congestion worse. Everyone knows you can’t build your way out of congestion, so why would we spend millions trying again?

The $85 million committed to the McKenzie-interchang­e boondoggle dwarfs the $10 million just promised for bus lanes to bypass the three kilometres of “Colwood Crawl” from Tolmie to McKenzie. Shoulder bus lanes on the next 4.5 kilometres from McKenzie to the Six Mile Pub would cost only about $15 million.

The McKenzie interchang­e should be cancelled and the $85 million used for bus lanes and other projects that reduce carbon pollution, and make this a better place to live. Eric Doherty Victoria

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