Times Colonist

Aid workers lost their lives while helping others

- MARC AND CRAIG KIELBURGER Global Voices Shirley Case Craig and Marc Kielburger are the co-founders of the WE movement, which includes WE Charity, ME to WE Social Enterprise and WE Day.

An emotional mother demanded to know what Tim Stone had done to her daughter. Stone was a soft-spoken Canadian aid worker who had a way with kids, recalls Jean Lash, his former wife. Improving children’s health in places like Afghanista­n, Cambodia and Mali was his life’s work.

In Afghanista­n in the early 1980s, Stone was helping children who were suffering from severe malnutriti­on. The impact of his efforts shocked some parents.

The Afghan mother who confronted Stone was suspicious of the sudden behavioura­l change in her once quiet and inactive daughter, who transforme­d into a boisterous girl when her health improved.

Stone’s work with PATH Canada (now Health Bridge) might have saved the girl’s life, but it took his own.

Twenty years ago, the plane Stone was travelling on was hijacked, and crashed. He is one of more than 100 Canadian aid workers killed over the past 50 years.

Although they are not soldiers, humanitari­ans working abroad face risks such as war, disease, and nature’s wrath.

In January, a Quebec family that was in Burkina Faso to build schools died in a terrorist attack. Sadly, such violence is on the rise.

In honour of World Humanitari­an Day on Aug. 19, we are introducin­g you to a few of the toomany Canadians who have given their lives in the service of others.

When Case wasn’t at work on an aid project, she was hanging out with locals, learning the language and making friends.

After the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, Case joined CARE Internatio­nal relief efforts in the devastated Aceh region of Indonesia. Four years later, she went to Afghanista­n with the Internatio­nal Rescue Committee to help create education opportunit­ies for disabled youth.

In August 2008, Case was returning from a school visit when gunmen ambushed her car. She was killed along with another Canadian, Jacqueline Kirk, and two other aid workers. After her death, Case’s Facebook page was flooded with tributes from her countless friends around the world.

Sgt. Mark Gallagher

RCMP Sgt. Gallagher wanted to use the years before his retirement to make a difference in the world. In 2009, he leaped at the opportunit­y to join Canada’s police training mission in Haiti, helping combat corruption and protect human rights.

“Mark was compassion­ate and completely non-judgmental about people,” says his widow, Lisa Gallagher.

She told us how Haitian street kids approached Gallagher and begged for change as he headed out for dinner one night. Seeing their emaciated bodies, he beckoned them to follow. By the time Gallagher reached the restaurant, he’d attracted a crowd of 15 children. He treated them all to spaghetti.

When the massive earthquake struck Haiti in 2010, the decorated officer and father of two never made it out of his apartment building.

Isabelle Pelletier

As a volunteer in Montreal, Isabelle Pelletier worked tirelessly to help people with HIV and AIDS. In 2003, Pelletier joined a two-year AIDS health project in Burkina Faso with Carrefour Canadien Internatio­nal. She fell in love with the country, happily returning in 2005 for another twoyear contract with Oxfam Quebec.

In Zabre, a small rural town with no electricit­y, Pelletier planted community gardens and ran a program for female entreprene­urs. Villagers would show up at her door day and night with all kinds of problems, and she never turned them away.

Pelletier planned to stay on for another two years, but contracted cerebral malaria in 2006 and died.

These stories remind us that aid workers are incredible people who give up so much in the service of others.

Let’s take a moment to thank them, and honour those who lost their lives in the passionate pursuit of a better world.

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