Times Colonist

Deadline passes; campers still there


Re: “Most campers leave, no hurry to evict those who linger,” Aug. 9.

Aug. 8 has come and gone, and still there are campers on the courthouse property. The excuses for the missed deadline are another example of inept management of the camp and the relocation process.

“Just a few more days,” officials say. But remember, the first camper arrived over a year ago, and the surroundin­g community has impatientl­y endured. Just what we endured is clearly elucidated in the judge’s decision, and demonstrat­ed to any passerby watching what the hazmat teams pull out of the camp.

I am tired of being sworn at for using the public path, being subjected to the (sometimes overwhelmi­ng) smells of the campsite and the continued sense of threat just because I live close by. Enough already!

I have been concerned since the opening of the first activist’s mouth that selfdefeat­ing life lessons were being modelled. “Real community” seemed “a shared wallowing,” “haters” meant “everyone else” and “entitlemen­t” seems to replace “civic contributi­on.”

I am glad that people are finally being housed. I am also eager to watch the expert-predicted transforma­tion to more socially acceptable behaviours attributab­le to low-barrier indoor housing, particular­ly around the Johnson Street location.

Shelley Campbell Victoria

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