Times Colonist

School that would not let Muslims pray loses discrimina­tion appeal


CALGARY — An Alberta judge has upheld a humanright­s decision that found a private school discrimina­ted against two Muslim students by not allowing them to pray.

The Alberta Human Rights Commission tribunal found in 2015 that Webber Academy in Calgary unlawfully discrimina­ted against the students and fined the school $26,000.

The boys, who were in Grades 9 and 10, testified that praying is mandatory in their Sunni religion.

The school, in appealing the tribunal’s decision to the Court of Queen’s Bench, argued that the boys’ parents were told Webber Academy was nondenomin­ational and there was no space in the school for praying.

“The tribunal applied well-establishe­d principles of law,” Justice Glen Poelman wrote in a decision posted this week. “For many years, public and private schools have been required to adhere to human-rights legislatio­n in offering their educationa­l services to the public. Discrimina­tion is permitted only when reasonable and justifiabl­e as determined by well-establishe­d principles.”

Poelman said the tribunal made no errors in its decision and the damages awarded were reasonable.

The Webber Academy did not respond to a request for comment on the decision.

The judge said the school deserves some credit.

“Webber Academy . . . adopted a public policy of welcoming young people of many faiths and cultures, and to exemplify its policy, published photograph­s of students with turbans and facial hair even though these practices contravene­d usual school policies,” Poelman said. “For some reason, it drew the line at Sunni prayer rituals, conducted in private, in a place that was convenient to the school and the students from time to time.”

The students, Sarmad Amir and Naman Siddiqui, were told in 2011 that their praying — which requires bowing and kneeling — was “too obvious” in a non-denominati­onal school.

They continued to hold their prayers in secret in the school, or even outside in the snow.

“I had this intense sense of shame and humiliatio­n, despite that I was just exercising my right as a Canadian citizen, as a human being, to practise my faith,” Siddiqui testified before the human-rights tribunal.

A prominent Calgary imam welcomed the court’s decision.

“I agree with the decision because those young boys were just practising their rights and their rights should be respected,” said Syed Soharwardy of the Al-Madinah Calgary Islamic Assembly.

Soharwardy is also the founder and current president of the Islamic Supreme Council of Canada.

“They’re not . . . causing any disturbanc­es. They are not causing any nuisance. They are just praying. We have to respect the rights that every Canadian citizen has and they have the right to worship.”

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