Times Colonist

Many factors contribute to traffic congestion


Re: “City doubles down on green targets,” and “Bike lanes make emissions worse,” letter, Aug. 19.

I don’t agree that bike lanes make emissions worse — that’s only a small portion of the overall problem.

Municipali­ties have only themselves to blame. One only needs to travel throughout the region to find lane reductions that have been converted into centre-lane planters and by speed limits that have been reduced to 40 km/h from 50.

I’m not saying increasing the speed limits would solve the problem; however, the reductions have definitely contribute­d to higher emissions. Try commuting down any of the major roads, especially those heading out of town during the evening rush, and see how far you travel.

For Mayor Lisa Helps and other officials to say the city needs to get serious about this and to get the community to jump on board just doesn’t cut it.

Not once have I heard any of the local politician­s campaign for the creation of carpool lanes in an effort to reduce the number of cars on the road. Instead, all they seem to advocate is more bike lanes and dedicated bus lanes.

While we’re at it, perhaps those same politician­s can explain why they have not synchroniz­ed the traffic lights throughout the region, especially during the morning and evening commutes? Instead, commuters are getting stuck at every traffic light along the major arteries.

It’s no wonder that the city hasn’t reached its targets. Shirley Waldon Victoria

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