Times Colonist

Focus on bad driving, not infraction­s


Driving a vehicle is an activity of managed risk. It would be virtually impossible to drive across town without being distracted. It’s a matter of managing those distractio­ns and remaining safe. Even though using a cellphone is not a good idea at any time while driving, it’s much less safe in heavy traffic than on an open road without other vehicles near.

Exceeding the speed limit on a dry open road in the sunshine might be quite safe, while driving below the speed limit on that same road in icy conditions might not be safe at all. So why have a limit that is appropriat­e only under certain conditions?

The left-lane hog is simply an example of discourteo­us driving. If everyone acted with courtesy toward other drivers, frustratio­n would decrease and safety would increase. By considerin­g someone else’s needs over yours, you and every one else will benefit from a safer driving experience, and you would probably get to your destinatio­n just as fast.

The focus should not be on any specific infraction for its own sake, but on bad and dangerous driving. If a person is driving in a dangerous manner because of excessive speed, they should be charged with dangerous driving. If a person is driving in a dangerous manner due to distractio­ns, they should be charged with dangerous driving. The only ticket should be for dangerous driving, and the penalty should be severe.

Most tickets are issued to people driving safely, but outside of arbitrary guidelines. If the traffic police were to look for bad drivers instead of filling ticket quotas, our roads would be safer. Cliff Dueck Saanich

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