Times Colonist

Hackers stole info from 500 million accounts at Yahoo


SAN FRANCISCO — Computer hackers swiped personal informatio­n from at least 500 million Yahoo accounts in what is believed to be the biggest digital break-in at an email provider.

The massive security breakdown disclosed Thursday poses new headaches for beleaguere­d Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer as she scrambles to close a $4.8 billion US sale to Verizon.

The breach dates back to late 2014, raising questions about the checks and balances within Yahoo — a fallen Internet star that has been laying off staff and trimming expenses to counter a steep drop in revenue during the past eight years. At the time of the breakin, Yahoo’s security team was led by Alex Stamos, a respected industry executive who left last year to take a similar job at Facebook.

Yahoo didn’t explain what took so long to uncover a heist that it blamed on a “state-sponsored actor” — parlance for a hacker working on behalf of a foreign government.

The Sunnyvale, California, company declined to explain how it reached its conclusion­s about the attack for security reasons, but said it is working with the FBI and other law enforcemen­t. Yahoo began investigat­ing a possible breach in July, around the time the tech site Motherboar­d reported that a hacker who uses the name “Peace” was trying to sell account informatio­n belonging to 200 million Yahoo users.

Yahoo didn’t find evidence of that reported hack, but additional digging later uncovered a far larger, allegedly state-sponsored attack.

“We take these types of breaches very seriously and will determine how this occurred and who is responsibl­e,” the FBI said in a Thursday statement.

The Yahoo theft represents the accounts ever stolen from a single email provider, according to computer security analyst Avivah Litan with the technology research firm Gartner Inc.

“It’s a shocking number,” Litan said. “This is a pretty big deal that is probably going to cost them tens of millions of dollars. Regulators and lawyers are going to have a field day with this one.”

Yahoo said it has more than a billion monthly users, although it hasn’t disclosed how many of those people have email accounts. In July, 161 million people worldwide used Yahoo email on personal computers, a 30 per cent decline from the same time in 2014.

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