Times Colonist

Did Clinton get the best health care?

- W. GIFFORD-JONES The Doctor Game info@docgiff.com

Do famous people always receive superior medical care? After all, they’re famous and have the money to demand the best medical treatment.

But have fame and fortune guaranteed that Hillary Clinton has been given the best advice to treat pneumonia? This week, I encountere­d several surprises.

The first surprise was that Hillary Clinton, at age 68, hadn’t collapsed earlier from this disease. Or that Donald Trump, age 70 and overweight, hasn’t yet collapsed from a coronary attack. The gruelling U.S. election campaign is not designed for seniors, so something medical was bound to happen eventually — and it did.

What else amazed me? Everything I read in the media indicated that Clinton was being treated with antibiotic­s. I’m sure readers would say: “What’s wrong with antibiotic­s?” But pneumonia can be caused by either a bacterial or viral infection, and antibiotic­s have no effect on viral infections.

So what if she is suffering from viral pneumonia? I’d suggest that the presidenti­al candidate needs a second medical opinion if she is only prescribed antibiotic­s.

Another surprise struck while I was talking to the Internatio­nal College of Integrativ­e Medicine meeting in Toronto. The audience was a combinatio­n of medical and naturopath­ic doctors.

I asked the assembled doctors if they had heard of Allan Smith, a New Zealand farmer, or Dr. Frederick R. Klenner, a North Carolina doctor. Only three raised their hands.

A few years ago, Allan Smith became critically ill following a visit to Fiji. He was admitted to hospital, where tests revealed he was suffering from Swine flu virus. Doctors gave him every antibiotic in the book, but he became unconsciou­s and required life support. Doctors informed his family there was no hope of recovery and that life support should be ended.

But a family member had heard the use of intravenou­s vitamin C was curing viral infections and asked that it be given before ending life support. The doctors refused, saying vitamin C was useless and not part of the protocol for treating Swine flu virus. Eventually, the doctors agreed, reluctantl­y, to try vitamin C when Smith’s lawyer threatened to sue them if they refused to do so.

So what happened? During the first 24 hours, 50,000 milligrams of intravenou­s vitamin C were administer­ed. This resulted in Smith’s lungs starting to function. But still, it was only after a frustratin­g battle with doctors that vitamin C was continued. Smith returned to consciousn­ess and survived. See YouTube for the full story.

The most appalling result is that this informatio­n, the success of large doses of intravenou­s vitamin C to fight viral infection, has been known for 70 years due to the work of Dr. Frederick Klenner.

In 1950, Klenner, a family doctor with no training in virology, was placed in charge of 60 patients suffering from early poliomyeli­tis, a viral disease. He decided to give them large doses of vitamin C daily for 14 days. Not one of the patients developed paralysis and all survived. Yet when he reported this finding to the medical society, it was totally ignored.

Klenner later wrote: “Some physicians would stand by and see their patients die rather than use vitamin C. Vitamin C should be given to the patient while doctors ponder the diagnosis.”

But suppose Clinton has a bacterial pneumonia? Large doses of C should still be prescribed, as infection and stress vastly decrease the body’s supply of vitamin C.

I hope both presidenti­al candidates survive this ugly electoral campaign. But whoever faces the stress of being president should take large doses of vitamin C to maintain a healthy immune system.

I take 10,000 milligrams of powdered C daily (available in health food stores) and can’t remember when I last had a cold.

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