Times Colonist

Young’s housing ideas favour hotel industry


Re: “Better solutions exist than taxing vacant home,” comment, March 1. Victoria Coun. Geoff Young should think through his so-called “solutions” to deal with the problem of Victoria’s housing situation.

In particular, I refer to his comments on transient accommodat­ion, where propertyow­ners rent out space short-term via such facilitato­rs as Airbnb. In order to discourage this and, supposedly, increase housing stock, he advocates that this type of accommodat­ion be not only taxed at the same higher rate as hotels, but also be reassessed to pay the higher commercial property-tax rates — yet again bringing them in line with the hotels.

This shows a lack of empathy for property owners, particular­ly seniors, who have had to resort to renting out rooms on a short-term basis to supplement their income to be able to afford the high cost of living — and already high taxes — in this city. Nor does it take into considerat­ion the effect on the local economy of the spending by tourists and other visitors to Victoria who, deprived of reasonably priced accommodat­ion, will hesitate — if not cease altogether — to visit this city.

Young’s proposals seemingly are directly in accordance with those proposed in a recent letter to council from the Hotel Associatio­n of Greater Victoria, which states that short-term vacation rentals pose a distinct “threat” to the hotel industry and that there should be a “level playing field.” How absurd is that?

Are these seeming absurditie­s of Young and the hotel associatio­n merely a coincidenc­e, then? Kate Hanley Victoria

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