Times Colonist

Man charged in connection with crash due in court today


A few bouquets of flowers lay near the intersecti­on of Peatt Road and Goldstream Avenue, the spot where West Shore RCMP Const. Sarah Beckett was killed in the line of duty one year ago.

Not far away, at the West Shore RCMP detachment, about 200 people gathered Wednesday to remember a mother and Mountie who died on April 5, 2016, after her RCMP cruiser was struck by a pickup truck.

RCMP officers in red serge, police, firefighte­rs, paramedics and members of the public put down flowers and took a moment of silence in front of the plaque in her honour.

Beckett’s husband, Brad Aschenbren­ner, and two young sons were comforted by her colleagues.

One of her colleagues, West Shore RCMP Const. Jonathan McKinney, said he woke up on Wednesday at 3:30 a.m., the time Beckett’s cruiser was hit.

He couldn’t fall back asleep as he thought about the day ahead.

“Working here this year has been difficult,” he said.

McKinney added that it was a day to reflect on happy memories of the 32-yearold who had been with the RCMP since 2005. “Her smile, her attitude and presence in the office is something that no one will forget.”

McKinney said that Beckett was the type of person who got fellow officers through long night shifts with a sharp sense of humour and engaging stories.

“She was so reliable and easy going, even in stressful times,” he said.

McKinney was grateful that people who didn’t know Beckett took time to pay their respects.

“We have a very difficult job to do at times. And for people to take that time to say thanks to Sarah for what she did and thanks to us for what we do, it means a lot to us.”

Bill Turner, a former Saanich police officer, had never met Beckett, but said he came to the memorial because the first responder community on Vancouver Island is like one big family.

“It really hurt this big family last year and you just don’t want to forget, so that’s why I’m here,” he said.

Tamara McNay, a B.C. Ambulance paramedic, said every time she drives by the spot where Beckett died, she relives the horrific incident.

“I remember the look on the paramedics’ faces, I remember the look on the firefighte­rs’ faces,” said McNay, adding that several of the paramedics who responded that night have been deeply affected. “When you see that, you hug your kids a little closer.”

Langford Mayor Stew Young said marking the one-year anniversar­y is an important part of the healing process.

“It’s important for the family to see that our community, our residents in Langford are 110 per cent behind the family,” Young said.

The man charged in connection with the fatal crash is scheduled to appear in court today.

Kenneth Jacob Fenton, 28, has been charged with impaired driving causing death, dangerous driving causing death, flight from police causing death, driving with blood-alcohol level over .08 and refusing to provide a blood sample to police.

Charges are also being considered against a West Shore police officer. In February, the Independen­t Investigat­ions Office of B.C. filed a report to Crown counsel for considerat­ion of charges in connection with the fatal crash. The Criminal Justice Branch will provide a statement when it decides whether charges will be approved.

 ??  ?? RCMP Const. Elyse Patten lays a wreath at a remembranc­e ceremony for Const. Sarah Beckett in front of the West Shore detachment on Wednesday.
RCMP Const. Elyse Patten lays a wreath at a remembranc­e ceremony for Const. Sarah Beckett in front of the West Shore detachment on Wednesday.

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