Times Colonist

Teachers must foster understand­ing


Re: “Best teachers transform apathy into interest,” column, March 24; “Best teachers know how to make things relevant,” letter, April 1.

Geoff Johnson suggests the best teachers transform apathy into interest. The letterwrit­er makes the point that these teachers also relate topics to the lives of learners. I believe the ability to connect what has been and is learned to their lives is a key part of sense-making — perhaps one of the key parts of effective teaching.

Sir Isaac Newton reportedly said: “It is possible to teach any blockhead to repeat — the challenge is to foster understand­ing.” Understand­ing is demonstrat­ed when students are able to connect or relate topics, ideas and/or principles to their experience­s. Students should also be able to explain key principles and ideas in their own words.

A request on an examinatio­n to explain an idea in their own words usually elicits some type of response from most students.

One of my favourites (and I smile every time I think about it) is a response to this request: In your own words, describe the meaning of Cartesian product (a mathematic­al idea used to introduce children to multiplica­tion). As her response to this request, one young lady drew a beautiful three-dimensiona­l box with a wide ribbon around it that was tied into a nice big bow. In the corner of the box she neatly printed Product of Cartesia.

How might a response like this be evaluated? W.W. Liedtke Victoria

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