Times Colonist

Change electoral system without referendum


Re: “‘Work together,’ but with whom?” column, May 24. Andrew Weaver and the Green Party need to form a coalition government with whatever party agrees to immediatel­y enact proportion­al representa­tion, and stop corporate and union money controllin­g our political system. Likely the NDP is the only party willing to do this.

NDP Leader John Horgan personally supports both initiative­s, but believes we need a referendum before enacting proportion­al representa­tion, stating: “If you’re going to change the electoral system, you should ask the people about that. It’s their system, not mine.”

Yes, it’s the people’s electoral system. It’s also the people’s health-care system, the people’s justice system and the people’s education system. And we elect you and your fellow MLAs to make decisions about these and other institutio­ns.

We don’t need a referendum. We just need you to do your job and pass legislatio­n based on what you believe is best for our province, including electoral reform and campaign-finance reform.

But if Horgan is unwilling to accept this argument, and his position on a referendum is something he prefers not to concede, then have a referendum. But first let’s try proportion­al representa­tion for an election or two.

We can see first-hand how both systems work, and then we all can make a truly informed decision about which one we prefer. It’s a compromise I’m sure the Greens could live with. John Miller Victoria

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