Times Colonist

Trump, Macron go main à main in a handshake for the ages


BRUSSELS — U.S. President Donald Trump met his match in a handshake showdown with France’s new president, Emmanuel Macron.

At their first meeting, ahead of a NATO summit in Brussels on Thursday, the two men locked hands for so long that knuckles started turning white.

Trump finally seemed ready to pull away — but Macron evidently wasn’t. The French leader held the shake for a few seconds more. Both men’s jaws seemed to clench.

Trump has described himself as “a germ freak” and called handshakes “barbaric.” In his 1997 book, The Art of the Comeback, Trump wrote that he had “often thought of taking out a series of newspaper ads encouragin­g the abolishmen­t of the handshake.”

Trump’s aversion to handshakin­g seemed to lessen over the course of last year’s U.S. presidenti­al campaign. He’s now deep into an inaugural world tour that has forced him to exchange hand greetings with leaders from Israel to the Vatican.

Macron won France’s election this month by positionin­g himself as the anti-Trump, embracing globalizat­ion and open borders and quoting philosophe­rs.

But as a 39-year-old who has never held elected office, Macron clearly was excited about the appearance with the U.S. president, which cemented his status as a new global player — and as a formidable hand-shaker.

 ??  ?? U.S. President Donald Trump shakes hands with French President Emmanuel Macron in Brussels on Thursday as they meet for the first time.
U.S. President Donald Trump shakes hands with French President Emmanuel Macron in Brussels on Thursday as they meet for the first time.

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