Times Colonist

> Trudeau celebrates a new day,


OTTAWA — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau joined indigenous leaders across from Parliament Hill on Wednesday and said the building housing his office will no longer bear the name of HectorLoui­s Langevin, a father of Confederat­ion and an architect of the residentia­l school system.

Trudeau first announced that National Aboriginal Day will henceforth be referred to as National Indigenous Peoples Day.

Then, standing outside 100 Wellington St. — the former U.S. embassy set to become a designated space for First Nations, Inuit and Métis people by 2023 — Trudeau pointed at the former Langevin Block a stone’s throw down the street.

“We’ve heard from you and the TRC [Truth and Reconcilia­tion Commission] and from many indigenous communitie­s over the past year that there is a deep pain in knowing that … building carries a name so closely associated with the horror of residentia­l schools,” Trudeau said.

“Keeping that name on the Prime Minister’s Office is inconsiste­nt with the values of our government and its inconsiste­nt with our vision of a strong partnershi­p with indigenous peoples in Canada, and so we will remove this name.”

The old limestone building, completed in 1889, will now “officially and practicall­y” be called the Office of the Prime Minister and the Privy Council, he added.

The crowd, gathered in a circle close to the podium where Trudeau was speaking, began to cheer and Assembly of First Nations National Chief Perry Bellegarde jumped to his feet, smiling and applauding.

“That’s awesome,” Bellegarde could be heard saying.

Later, Bellegarde thanked the prime minister, saying he listened to indigenous people who expressed concerns about the Langevin Block.

Langevin, who died in 1906, was a lawyer, newspaper editor and Conservati­ve MP from Quebec. He spent more than 25 years in federal politics, resigning as public works minister in 1891 amid a corruption scandal.

It was in his role as minister of public works that Langevin argued for a separate school system with a specific mandate to assimilate indigenous children.

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 ??  ?? Left: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Perry Bellegarde, national chief of the Assembly of First Nations, celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day in Ottawa on Wednesday. Above, the former Langevin Block.
Left: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Perry Bellegarde, national chief of the Assembly of First Nations, celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day in Ottawa on Wednesday. Above, the former Langevin Block.

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