Times Colonist

Balance + symmetry

FOR A HEALTHY APPEARANCE Radiate your youthful appearance into the future.

- bakerrejuv­enation.com

Everyone wants to look their best – now and into the future. As we age, there are a variety of normal changes that occur to the face and body, from smile lines to frown lines and everything in between. The physician and nurse directed team at Baker Rejuvenati­on Centre make you the priority by offering solutions to assist you in looking and feeling your best.

Dr. Stephen Baker M.D, FRSC, and Rachel Varga, BScN, RN, engage with other experts in medical rejuvenati­on in ongoing clinical teaching and learning, and provide their patients with a modern approach to looking healthy without looking overdone.

Skin treatments such as botox and dermal fillers are two highly effective methods for softening smile and frown lines to the face and neck. “People often ask for skin tightening,” said Varga. “Many lasers claim to tighten the skin, but very few can provide the lift most patients are asking for. In reality, the most effective ways to reduce skin laxity and provide healthier looking skin is not only to improve the quality of the skin with medical grade skin care and lasers, but to also address what is happening beneath the skin.

Baker Rejuvenati­on Centre provides expert treatments – restoring facial volume to lift a sunken and fallen face, bring symmetry to facial contours and help provide a softened, more refined and healthy appearance.

“There is an emphasis on health and well-being here on the West Coast and we are thrilled to support this.” said Varga. “Our clients are regularly telling us they want to look as good as they feel so we work closely with them to provide treatments that will do just that. We generally attract patients who simply want to bring their best version forward.

Dr. Baker adds, “A healthy, balanced lifestyle always pays dividends and is the target we should all aim for.”

Botox has been used since 1981 and was initially used on the West Coast of Canada for treating a muscular disorder around the eye. Clients that are developing a lowness in the brow area or wanting a slight lift around their eyes can receive botox injections to smooth and reduce wrinkles.

Baker Rejuvenati­on Centre is the only facility in Victoria that offers both eyelid surgery and advanced nonsurgica­l procedures to create the most natural and softened enhancemen­ts. Non-surgical procedures include botox, fillers, Fotona MicroLaser peels, IPL photo facials, hydrafacia­ls, and medical grade skin care including daily sunscreen like Skinceutic­als SPF 50.

“I’m a big believer in the less is more philosophy,” said Dr. Baker, Opthalmolo­gist and Oculoplast­ic Surgeon. “Thoughtful, safe, meticulous eyelid surgery will leave you looking rested, enhanced, and not an overdone caricature of yourself.”

Patients look rested and healthy after treatments such as botox and fillers. We achieve this by consciousl­y restoring facial features to as close to ideal aesthetic facial proportion­s as possible. We recommend a combinatio­n approach of medical grade skin care, lasers, injectable­s, and eyelid surgery to provide the most dramatic, yet natural looking improvemen­ts,” said Rachel Varga.

“Fillers help restore volume to areas of the face such as thinning lips, jowls, hollowed temples and cheeks, and botox softens underlying muscles which can beautifull­y lift and open the eyes. We regularly use the two together to provide the most natural looking result.

Dermal fillers restore lost volume in less than 60 minutes with results that typically last from six months to two years. Botox takes approximat­ely 45 minutes and generally lasts three to six months. For an ideal result, Baker Rejuvenati­on Centre recommends using the two together.

Over this last year, Baker Rejuvenati­on Centre was selected to be the first clinic in all of BC to launch the CoolMini® for treatment of the double chin, and was recently involved in establishi­ng the US FDA protocol for CoolSculpt­ing® treatment to the arms. Baker Rejuvenati­on Centre is recognized as a top CoolSculpt­ing® practice due to their attention to detail and insistence that all treatments in the clinic be performed by medical profession­als who understand the technology, underlying structures of the body and have a keen aesthetic eye for achieving the most desirable results.

Visit the team at Baker Rejuvenati­on Centre for beautiful results from a trusted team of profession­als. Call to arrange your personal consultati­on: 250-382-0392.


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