Times Colonist

Voters were clear about ousting Liberals


Re: “Stop the politics, start governing,” editorial, June 23. For at least the second time in an editorial, the Times Colonist has countered the NDP and Green claim that 60 per cent of British Columbians voted for change with the argument that 60 per cent also voted against the NDP.

This is a false equivalenc­e, since there is much more overlap between the Green and NDP platforms than there is between the Green and B.C. Liberal platforms. The NDP and the Greens both campaigned against the Trans-Mountain Pipeline and campaigned for proportion­al representa­tion, the immediate end to corporate and union donations, increasing the carbon tax, ending the requiremen­t for referendum funding in Metro Vancouver, developing a poverty-reduction strategy, increasing welfare rates, creating a new ministry for mental health and addictions, and large increases in child-care funding — all policies that the B.C. Liberals opposed during the election campaign.

Clearly, NDP and Green voters shared a lot of the same goals — and that included ousting the current government. Steven Murray Victoria

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