Times Colonist

Safety tips for reusing pallets


Q: Our family is having a debate over the use of wooden pallets for projects around the house. I say they are not safe because you do not know what has been shipped on them. Do I have a legitimate concern? A: You most certainly do. The site 1001pallet­s.com offers ways to reuse wooden pallets. After all, an estimated two billion are used every day — not counting those just lying around. But despite its green philosophy, the site urges caution because you may find some (pardon the pun) unpalatabl­e for use around your home.

“The first issue is to be careful of what has been spilled on the pallet.” the site warns. “If there are any spills on it, either oil, food or unknown substances, do not use this pallet. It is well known that pallets are used to transport all sorts of nasty products and liquids. It is much safer to use only clean ones.”

But that’s only one worry. How the pallets were made is another, the site cautions. The wood in pallets shipped internatio­nally, for example, must be treated to prevent the spread of invasive insects and plant diseases from one country to another. Some are treated with heat, but some still may be coated with a nasty pesticide, methyl bromide. These pallets must be marked with a logo that tells how they were treated. If you see HT (heat-treated), DB (debarked) or KD (kiln-dried), they’re safe to use if otherwise clean. If you see MB (methyl bromide), steer clear.

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