Times Colonist

Trip to the beach became a nightmare


I was living on Hornby Island at the time. It was a beautiful, sunny day. I decided to grab a book, beach towel and sunglasses and head to Big Tribune Beach to soak up some rays and enjoy the solitude. Tourist season had ended and I looked forward to my quiet time.

Looking back down the beach, I saw a group approachin­g along the shoreline. There was one straggler behind the others. When the group moved on, the straggler turned and approached the logs a few feet past me. I ignored him, continuing to look down at my book, hoping he would go elsewhere. I could hear him, busily settling in. Suddenly he stood and approached the waters edge. His only apparel was a towel. He went in the shallow water and began to masturbate. I was his only audience.

Frozen in shock, I pretended, with head down, to continue reading my book. He rose from the water and returned to his spot, too close to mine. Two women appeared along the beach. With only a shirt on, he approached them and “flashed.” They hastily retreated and he returned.

Once again I was alone, praying the group of walkers would return so I could join them and leave. He eventually got up, dressed and returned in the direction he had appeared. I was still frightened to return to my car because it meant walking through an area of shrubs and trees. It was necessary to wait until others appeared and so I could safely make my exit.

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