Times Colonist

A year in jail for couple whose daughter had rancid cavities


LETHBRIDGE, Alta. — A southern Alberta couple whose nine-yearold daughter nearly died in 2013 due to a massive infection from cavities in her mouth has been sentenced to one year in jail.

Justice James Langston said the parents, who cannot be named to protect the girl’s identity, appear to not accept their role in what happened.

When the girl was taken to hospital in Cardston, Alta., at the suggestion of an extended family member, she was barely alive and had “a foul smell draining from her facial abscesses.”

Parts of her jawbone were exposed on both sides and she had lice throughout her hair.

The girl was flown to the Alberta Children’s Hospital in Calgary, where she was intubated, placed on triple antibiotic therapy and given blood transfusio­ns.

Court was told the couple, who lived near Standoff, Alta., couldn’t control the girl and that she refused to let them wash her hair or send her to a dentist when she complained about her sore mouth, so they bought pain medication instead.

“This child deserved the care and attention of her parents, and they failed her,” Langston said Friday. “There’s no reason or excuse for their conduct. They violated the trust which society and this child placed with them. I’m not sure they fully understand this fact.

“As a result of their negligence, this child will forever bare physical and emotional scars.”

The couple pleaded guilty in May 2016 to failing to provide the necessarie­s of life.

Sentencing was delayed several times as the couple was enrolled in a peacemakin­g program which includes traditiona­l elder counsellin­g and healing services, as well as parenting skills developmen­t.

The Crown had asked for 12 to 18 months in jail for the couple, while the defence wanted one year of house arrest.

Doctors believe the infection started as tooth decay that went untreated for weeks or even months.

Langston took into account the couple’s Indigenous background to determine the sentence.

Court heard the girl is now in good health, but will require further surgeries and is receiving psychologi­cal therapy for medical trauma and neglect.

She has been removed from the home along with her two older siblings.

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