Times Colonist

If Trump starts NAFTA pullout, Canada best to stay calm: experts


WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’s escalating threat to trigger NAFTA’s cancellati­on clause as a high-pressure bargaining tactic has raised the question of what Canada’s response might be in the face of a gun-to-the-temple negotiatin­g strategy.

Several insiders say the correct answer is: Nothing.

Canada should remain at the bargaining table and likely will, for its own strategic reasons, say several insiders, including Canada’s chief negotiator for the original NAFTA and the head of the Commons foreign affairs committee.

Their reasoning is shared by some high-ranking officials in the Canadian government who believe the country’s interests are best served by calmly sticking it out rather than stomping off and augmenting the presidenti­al drama.

It’s an increasing­ly pressing matter. Trump has begun telling people he wants to trigger NAFTA’s Article 2205, which allows a country to withdraw with six months notice, because he believes it will scare Canada and Mexico into concession­s.

Mexico has said it will refuse to negotiate under such a scenario. But some prominent Canadians, inside and outside government, favour an opposing approach, arguing patience is likeliest to produce desired outcomes.

One was the country’s chief negotiator for the 1993 NAFTA.

“As tempting as it might be to say, ‘Well, screw you, we’re gonna walk away,’ I think it would be better to just keep negotiatin­g,” John Weekes said in an interview while attending a Washington trade symposium hosted by the Cato Institute. “We’ll just say, ‘Look, our position is not gonna change at all as a result of this threat. And if you decide after six months or sometime after that to pull the plug it’s going to be damaging to your interests’,”

A backlash is already developing in Washington.

Members of the president’s own party have begun voicing anxiety. Members of his cabinet have pointed out that a NAFTA pullout threat would be especially painful for the deep-red states that voted for Trump and happen to be major exporters of farm products to Mexico.

Republican-friendly business groups are starting to sound the alarm. Eighty-six agricultur­e groups wrote a letter to the Trump administra­tion this week saying the mere threat of a pullout via Article 2205 would scare foreign customers into seeking new suppliers and “cause immediate, substantia­l harm.”

The No. 1 business lobby in the country, the Republican-backing U.S. Chamber of Commerce, will be hosting a pro-NAFTA event next week attended by senators from Kansas and Texas — Pat Roberts and Ted Cruz.

Inside U.S. Trade reported that Trump told a meeting of his party’s senators this week not to get “too excited,” because he’s handling the NAFTA matter and believes he needs to use a pullout threat to get the best possible deal. Trump has made similar comments in public.

The site reported that Roberts replied: “I am excited.”

A Canadian parliament­ary delegation heard this anxiety when it visited Washington this week.

The head of the House of Commons foreign affairs committee said lawmakers believe the president is preparing a strategic escalation.

“It’s sort of a consensus on [Capitol] Hill that it’s part of his negotiatin­g strategy … that, ‘this is who we have as a president’,” said Bob Nault, a Liberal MP whose committee met a halfdozen lawmakers this week.

“He’ll move toward creating a crisis before too long with the goal of getting everyone’s attention that this is serious and he’ll want significan­t changes to NAFTA, or he’ll walk away.”

Nault’s view on what happens next: “I think Canada stays at the table. I think it will.”

 ??  ?? Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland speaks at the conclusion of the fourth round of NAFTA talks on Oct. 17. The U.S. is threatenin­g to trigger NAFTA’s cancellati­on clause as a high-pressure bargaining tactic, raising the question of what...
Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland speaks at the conclusion of the fourth round of NAFTA talks on Oct. 17. The U.S. is threatenin­g to trigger NAFTA’s cancellati­on clause as a high-pressure bargaining tactic, raising the question of what...

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