Times Colonist

Vitamin B and your health

- BY IAN LLOYD, HEART PHARMAIST www.heartpharm­acy.com


ast article was about some of the important B vitamins. Let’s keep going with the next in line – niacin. Niacin and its related vitamins (nicotinic

acid, nicotinami­de and niacinamid­e) are responsibl­e for assisting in over 200 chemical reactions in the body. Niacin also plays a part in the creation of fatty acids and cholestero­l. The current focus for niacin is its ability to help lower cholestero­l. Higher doses of niacin, 1 to 2 grams a day, can lower LDL (bad) cholestero­l, raise HDL (good) cholestero­l and lower triglyceri­des. These higher doses should only be taken under recommenda­tion from your physician.

The most troublesom­e side effects of niacin at these doses are a very intense flushing and stomach upset. Taking it in divided doses after meals and slowly increasing the dose over several weeks can reduce these problems. Some people take a ‘no-flush’ version of niacin called

Inositol Hexanicoti­nate’. While it does not cause a flushing reaction, there is some evidence to suggest that it might not work as well as regular niacin in reducing cholestero­l. Niacinamid­e also does not cause flushing, but is ineffectiv­e in lowering cholestero­l.

Vitamin B6, Pyridoxine, has many therapeuti­c uses in the body. It is helpful in improving immune system function and helping to prevent kidney stones, PMS, depression, morning sickness and carpal tunnel syndrome. Perhaps the most important use of vitamin B6 is in the reduction of homocystei­ne.

Homocystei­ne is a semi-toxic byproduct produced when your body creates the amino acid methionine. It is not entirely clear how it is toxic to your body, but studies have shown that it is. It is known that high levels of homocystei­ne can increase a person’s risk of developing cardiovasc­ular disease. There is also early evidence that suggests that it may be a risk factor for developing Alzheimer’s disease. Your body requires a regular supply of folic acid, vitamin B6 and B12 to rid itself of homocystei­ne. The recommende­d dosage for vitamin B6 is 10 to 50 mg per day.

After six comes seven, which brings us to vitamin B7, or

biotin. I fear that I am beginning to sound like a broken record. Biotin, like niacin and pantotheni­c acid, is used in many chemical reactions in the body. Deficiency is very rare because the bacteria in our intestines make this vitamin, and it is found in so many foods. It has only one real known use – that is to help strengthen finger nails. Some small studies have shown that taking 2.5 mg of biotin a day can help to increase finger and toenail strength. One interestin­g observatio­n is that the demand for biotin is thought to be increased during pregnancy. Some people take biotin in hopes that it will help to prevent hair loss; sadly there is no proof that this actually happens. We skip number eight, which brings us to folic acid – vitamin B9. Yup, you guessed it right – folic acid, like biotin, niacin and pantotheni­c acid, is used in many chemical reactions in the body. It is also used to help reduce homocystei­ne, treat certain kinds of anemia and prevent birth defects. I think folic acid is one of the most overlooked vitamins. It has so many important uses in the body and many medication­s can deplete your body of this vital nutrient. Concerns about deficiency caused the US FDA to recommend that flour and other grain products be fortified with folic acid. Folic acid, primarily, is found in green leafy vegetables. To get the recommende­d daily amount of folic acid, one would have to eat one cup each of spinach and asparagus. Take a critical look at your diet and see if you eat these many greens every day. I’m a vegetarian and some days I’m doubtful. So take your multivitam­in and don’t worry about it. You should still eat your greens though. The last vitamin on our list is B12 – cyanocobal­amin. This vitamin is mainly found in meat and fermented soya products. A deficiency of this vitamin can be a problem with people who do not eat meat such as vegetarian­s and vegans, and is also a concern for the elderly.

Vitamin B12 deficiency is estimated to affect 10 to 15 per cent of individual­s over the age of 60. Your body requires sufficient stomach acid and something produced by your body called intrinsic factor to absorb B12 into the body. As one ages, your body generally produces less of these two items. Also people may be taking medication­s to treat reflux disease, heartburn or other stomach disorders. These medication­s can reduce the amount of acid produced by your stomach. A medication for diabetes call metformin can also reduce absorption of this vitamin.

Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include fatigue, confusion, and difficulty concentrat­ing. If you are experienci­ng any of these symptoms, contact your physician. A simple blood test can determine the amount of B12 in your body.

I admit this is a lot of informatio­n to digest, no pun intended. What should one do? Simple: take a multivitam­in that contains plenty of the B vitamins. Taking vitamins is not a substitute for eating well, but it will help to fill any nutritiona­l gaps.

Ask your Heart Pharmacist to recommend a vitamin supplement that is best for you. You could also visit our Fairfield location and have a chat with our natural health adviser, Angeline. Don’t forget to eat your fruits and veggies!

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