Times Colonist

Cyclists’ lives seem to be more valuable


Re: “Cook St. bike lanes will make cyclists’ lives safer,” comment, Jan. 21.

So it is now apparent, as per David Colborne, that cyclists’ lives (at least while cycling) are more valuable than anyone else’s.

I quote from his article: “This in theory, might slow a rushing emergency vehicle at some point in the future. But that is a small price for making the street safer and even inviting for cyclists.”

Seriously? A life that might be hanging in the balance, in an ambulance, where seconds count, is less important than cycling safely? This might be why there is such a backlash against these lanes, the unabashed attitude of thinking they are right.

Are blinders also standard equipment for cyclists? It seems it is the sacrifice of the many (including lives) for the few. I say few, as we have not seen that substantia­l increase in traffic on any of the other bike lanes that were pushed down our throats. Let’s hope it is never his life or one of his loved ones’ in that ambulance.

I consider myself an environmen­talist, and believe in having clean air and less noise. My opinion is that the electric car will eventually solve that. It is not a perfect solution, but I will be able to get my groceries and purchases home from downtown without balancing it all on the handlebars of a bike, all the while getting soaked in the rain.

Why don’t they just put an air-conditione­d cover over all those new bike lanes while they are at it? Ludicrous! Rod Stiebel Victoria

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