Times Colonist

City doesn’t need housing for the rich


Re: “Let’s make it a wonderful day in the neighbourh­ood,” comment, July 15. My wife and I live in the Rockland/Fairfield area. We actively protested two developmen­t projects in our immediate neighbourh­ood.

Our protests were not to keep multi-family buildings from being built, but to ensure that these types of buildings are appropriat­e in size and are providing affordable accommodat­ion. In fact, we welcome young people and their children in our neighbourh­ood. Children are an important part of a healthy society, as are those who are employed, the retired and the elderly.

Unfortunat­ely, what most developers want to build are large condominiu­m buildings that have luxury suites that can be sold in the high hundreds of thousands of dollars. These suites are designed for buyers who have high incomes or significan­t accumulate­d wealth, not young families who want to get establishe­d here.

Often, these buyers do not have children, will only live in the building for part of the year or will not live in it at all but will rent out their suite at market rates.

There are no advantages for our neighbourh­ood in having this type of housing.

Over and over again, we hear our mayor saying that we need to have affordable housing for the young people we want to live and work in Victoria. We applaud the concept, but criticize her for voting in favour of huge, ultra-expensive developmen­ts in single-family neighbourh­oods. We aren’t against change, only bad change. Errol Miller Victoria

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