Times Colonist

Two dentists with hearts of gold help the community


Have you ever wondered what happens to your old gold crowns? Avenue Family Dental and United Way Greater Victoria teamed up to show how scrap metal can be turned into community support. Dr. Dawn Webster and her husband, Dr. Matt Evans, save gold from willing patients’ old crowns and bridges then sell and donate the proceeds annually to a charity of choice. “Our parents would say you need to show some effort to make your community a good one,” says Dr. Webster. This “waste not/want not” approach has become popular with their patients as a resourcefu­l way to give back to the community. 6RPHWKLQJ DV VHHPLQJO\ LQVLJQLÀFD­QW DV D IHZ ÁDNHV IURP \RXU WHHWK can quickly add up to a new bar of gold. “This is sort of the idea of how small acts of kindness can create a huge impact,” says Dr. Webster. Drs. Webster and Evans began collecting gold for philanthro­pic purposes once they owned their own practices, and to date have given over $50,000 to local charities. “We have always tried to keep the money local and have picked a theme that has a personal connection to us in some way,” says Dr. Webster. This year they chose to direct their donation of $15, 286 to United Way Greater Victoria to support children who are victims of abuse. United Way helped them choose the Victoria Child Abuse Prevention and Counsellin­g Centre, formally known as the Mary Manning Centre which is also funded by United Way. “We felt compelled to support Mary Manning after the tragic loss of two young girls in our community of Oak Bay, who attended the same preschool as our own daughters,” says Dr. Webster. “Mary Manning is a place that helps all kinds of kids – any child affected by violence, no matter who they are or where they come from – which really appeals to us.” “We feel privileged that our patients put their trust in us to donate back to the community.” Show your local love by donating to United Way’s community campaign: gold included! Donations are accepted at workplaces, 8QLWHG :D\·V RIÀFH DW ² &RXUWQH\ 6WUHHW YLD SKRQH


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