Times Colonist

Praise Trump for his peacemakin­g


Re: “Stop bashing Trump in the newspaper,” letter, July 20.

The letter-writer criticizes the Times

Colonist for not giving the view of some conservati­ves on U.S. President Donald Trump. But coming from the left, as I do, I might add that I am concerned about the extreme “liberal” opposition to Trump that dominates the media.

While I heartily dislike Trump’s domestic policies and his destructiv­e trade wars, I support him, and praise him, for reaching out to our so-called “enemies,” North Korea and Russia.

Yes, maybe 12 Russian agents have meddled in the U.S. election, but I’ll bet there have been at least 12 U.S. agents meddling in Russian politics for some time.

Regardless of all the things I don’t like about Trump, any step taken toward reconcilia­tion with our “enemies” must be encouraged. Peace is now the primary issue.

The U.S. “deep state” (the militaryin­dustrial complex that president Dwight Eisenhower long ago warned us about), has been consistent­ly pushing for war against Russia. If they succeed, such a war will be nuclear and it won’t be “contained.”

A nuclear war would devastate Europe, North America and most of the world. We’re now closer to a Third World War than at any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis. So let us praise Trump for the few good things he does.

Canada was once recognized and praised for its peacekeepi­ng efforts under the auspices of the UN. Let’s support the peacemaker­s, not warmakers. Canada must put diplomacy first, whatever political party promotes it.

Christine Johnston Victoria

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