Times Colonist

Accurate owners’ list might have prevented strata conflict

- TONY GIOVENTU Condo Smarts tony@choa.bc.ca Tony Gioventu is executive director of the Condominiu­m Home Owners Associatio­n

Dear Tony: Our strata corporatio­n has 158 residentia­l units and at our recent annual general meeting, we had complaints from 10 owners that they had not received the notice package.

Luckily, a council member posted a reminder in the elevators a week before, so they showed up at the meeting.

After the meeting, we had emails from seven other owners claiming they did not receive the notice package, and as landlords, should have had the notice package sent to the alternate address they provided for meeting notices and correspond­ence.

When council double-checked, we discovered the addresses on file were many years out of date. Several changes in management companies had meant that the lists of addresses passed on had become less reliable.

We only had 42 votes represente­d at the meeting, so did not meet the quorum minimum, but our bylaws declare that a meeting is called to order within a half hour by those who are present, in person or by proxy.

The problem is, we voted on two contentiou­s bylaws and a special levy and now several owners are challengin­g the validity of the meeting.

How do we determine if our owners’ list is accurate?

V.A. Lee, Richmond Owners’ lists, notice/mailing lists and schedules of unit entitlemen­t and voting entitlemen­t must be accurate if the strata corporatio­n intends on conducting business in a fair manner, and to comply with the legislatio­n and avoid complaints or actions in the Civil Resolution Tribunal (CRT) or the courts.

While there may be ownership changes resulting in unintended occasional inaccuraci­es, 17 incorrect addresses indicates a serious problem with your records.

Provided that a strata corporatio­n has not removed or altered Standard Bylaw 4 — inform the strata corporatio­n of ownership or tenancy changes — an owner must give notice to the strata corporatio­n within two weeks of becoming an owner and inform the strata corporatio­n of their name, strata lot number and any mailing address outside the strata corporatio­n.

The same conditions apply in the circumstan­ce of a tenancy, requiring the strata lot owner to provide a signed Form K, Notice of Tenant’s responsibi­lities, within two weeks of renting all or part of a residentia­l strata lot.

If owner/landlords want to receive notice at a separate address or supply an email address for the purpose of receiving notices, they must provide that informatio­n to the strata corporatio­n, as well.

Failure to issue proper notice could result in your motions being overturned or an order for another meeting — a potentiall­y costly mistake for your strata.

Start with a complete review of your owners’ list and inform your owners of the necessity to update the owners’ list for accuracy. Review copies of any Form Ks that have been provided to the strata corporatio­n for tenancies, and copies of any Form Cs, Mortgagee’s Requests for Notificati­on.

Incorrect owner lists can also result in ineligible persons being elected to council, votes being cast by ineligible voters at general meetings, or a failure of the strata corporatio­n to provide proper notice to an owner prior to enforcing bylaws, filing liens for collection­s or issuing notice of court or CRT disputes, or notice of any general meetings that might have a serious impact on your decisions.

I know from recent experience that prior to issuing a notice for a special general meeting for a strata corporatio­n to proceed with an 80 per cent vote to wind up the strata corporatio­n, it is mandatory that the owners’ list is accurate.

An owner who is not represente­d in person or by proxy for 80 per cent and 100 per cent votes is automatica­lly a no vote.

Most important, how do you verify the owner or eligible voter if the owners’ list is not accurate?

This might be a prudent time to conduct title searches on all strata lots to ensure accurate informatio­n is maintained by the strata corporatio­n.

In light of the many propertyma­nagement changes in your strata corporatio­n, obtain official documents representi­ng owners’ lists and notificati­on requiremen­ts, the registered strata plan, the schedules of voting entitlemen­t and unit entitlemen­t.

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