Times Colonist

Advent candles a symbol of an inner quest


Christmas has been coming since the end of September, judging by the inventory that appears in many stores at that time of year. Halloween candy and Christmas cards somehow appear side by side in October. As November advances, the Christmas section in commercial settings gets ever larger.

The specifical­ly Christian season that leads up to Christmas is called Advent; it begins tomorrow with the first Sunday of Advent. There are denominati­onal variations of how to mark the four Sundays of Advent, but generally, the theme is preparing for the coming of Christ. Historical­ly, some traditions have stressed preparatio­n by fasting and repentance. Sometimes, the “coming” is the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem and sometimes the anticipate­d coming also refers to the Second Coming — a kind of apocalypti­c end-of-history event associated with a last judgment and a second coming of Christ. At other times, the emphasis is on the idea of coming in that Christians are encouraged to allow a daily coming of Christ in their hearts, not just on Christmas Eve. In this sense, Advent is understood as a celebratio­n of peace and good will, culminatin­g in Christmas itself.

It is coincident­al that the Jewish festival of Hanukkah begins at sundown on Sunday. In that it is sometimes referred to as the Festival of Lights, with the lighting of a menorah, Hanukkah looks to the casual observer a bit like the Christian custom of lighting successive candles during Advent

Christians probably started celebratin­g Advent (from Latin “adventus,” meaning coming”) in the late fifth century AD, making it a much later tradition than Hanukkah . Lighting candles in churches was common practice, so it wouldn’t have been much of a shift to create an Advent Wreath, with four candles on the outside and a Christ Candle in the middle. The Lutheran Church in Germany is generally credited as initiating the evergreen Advent wreath in the 16th century. The custom soon spread to other churches. Today, many people also have an Advent wreath at home. Children like lighting candles and I suspect adults are also drawn to this Advent practice.

Lighting candles and decorating our houses with greenery and Christmas lights, are perhaps the external rituals of an inner quest. In a secular culture, we distance ourselves from things overtly religious. Yet the spiritual impulse that inspired the faithful to adapt existing cultural practices for a religious purpose remains the same. Lighting candles in the midst of winter darkness suggests mystery, awe, peace, hope.

Although the world is a troubled place filled with dark times, we know there is also the possibilit­y of enlightene­d humanity, peace with justice, a community of spirit that transcends divisions of religion, nationalis­m, ethnic strife. The fentanyl crisis is a dark reality but there flickers a flame of hope in the work of emergency responders and those who create treatment centres. Refugees are unjustly victims of civil war or oppression in many countries, but we also sponsor refugees to Canada. We hope for the coming of those signs of healing and light in a world where we are made all too aware of the darkness.

Advent is about candle lighting and anticipati­ng the birth of Jesus; both are intended as signs of hope in the dark days of winter, both literal and figurative.

Happy Advent! Larry Scott is a retired United Church minister living in Victoria.

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