Times Colonist

Getting a good night’s sleep

By your friendly neighbourh­ood Heart Pharmacist

- heartpharm­acy.com

Sometimes we think of sleep as a trivial matter. However, a lack of quality sleep and its consequenc­es (such as daytime sedation) has a great impact on society. Sleeping problems have been an issue during this health crisis. People attribute increased stress, lack of exercise and disrupted schedules as possible reasons. I’m sure they are all contributi­ng factors, but lack of quality sleep can adversely affect one’s health.

There are many natural options to help with sleep at your Heart Pharmacy. This month, I shall hope to explain why sleep is so complex and offer options to help you get some more.

Sleep is divided into five parts; stages one to four, and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. Our bodies move between these five stages of sleep at various times during the night. It is thought that your body needs REM sleep to rejuvenate.

These tips can be very helpful for people who have difficulty sleeping. Try to have a fixed bedtime and wake-up time. This will help your body get into a regular sleep routine. Even if you are not going to work or school as usual, get up at the same time as you normally would. Try to avoid daytime naps. Some people do take a rest in the afternoon. If you must rest, try and limit it to 30 to 45 minutes. Avoid alcohol in the evening. It is true that alcohol can make you drowsy, but it can also interfere with your sleep as it leaves your body. Get some exercise, but not in the evening. Regular exercise is great for your body and can wear you out. Rigorous exercise in the evening, though, can have a stimulatin­g effect. Create a comfortabl­e sleeping environmen­t. The bedroom should be dark, cool (not cold) and free of any odd sounds. Clear your mind before bed. Do not engage in activities that activate the mind. Avoid reading thought-provoking books before bed. s If you cannot fall asleep within 30 minutes, get out of bed and leave the bedroom. Go elsewhere and have a light snack and read a light novel. Do not watch television or use a handheld electronic device. ARE THERE ANY SUPPLEMENT­S THAT CAN HELP WITH INSOMNIA/ DIFFICULTY IN FALLING ASLEEP?

Valerian is the most widely recognized herbal product for sleeping problems. Valerian seems to be more effective when used for longer periods of time (two weeks). One study demonstrat­ed that people who took a Valerian/Lemon Balm product a half-hour before bed, reported a 33 per cent improvemen­t in sleep quality. It is common to find valerian mixed with other herbs used for sleep such as passionflo­wer, hops and skullcap.

Another popular and effective natural sleep remedy is melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that is produced by the pineal gland as the evening approaches. This hormone is produced as light decreases, but is blocked when things become brighter; remember the light emitted from handheld devices?

The role of melatonin is to lower body temperatur­e and chemically produce sleepiness. Melatonin might not be for everyone. Talk to your doctor or Heart pharmacist before starting melatonin as it can interfere with blood thinners, sedatives, antidepres­sants and immunosupp­ressants.

For me, the best way to fall asleep is to follow a good nighttime ritual. I brush my teeth, wash my face, then sit in bed a read a novel until I become drowsy. This is thought to be helpful because it gives your body cues that it is time to fall asleep.

No matter what works for you, it is important to get plenty of rest. Hopefully it is not my articles putting you to sleep.

 ??  ?? The length of time you sleep is important. It is thought that your body needs REM sleep to rejuvenate. Any disruption­s may make you get less REM sleep.
The length of time you sleep is important. It is thought that your body needs REM sleep to rejuvenate. Any disruption­s may make you get less REM sleep.

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