Times Colonist

Time to work together on homelessne­ss


Re: “Local businesses bear brunt of social problems,” June 4.

It was very distressin­g to read of the horrible experience that the owners, staff and customers of Splashes Bath & Kitchen recently had to endure.

When we are personally exposed to members of the community who are suffering from mental illness, addiction or trauma, our first response is likely to be revulsion and rejection. And it is clear that businesses and residents should not have to bear the costs of repeated transgress­ions of this type. This just makes everybody more fearful.

But solutions to these complex problems have to start by recognizin­g they exist, and we can’t just ignore them or move them someplace out of sight. I believe the City of Victoria and the provincial government have shown leadership in taking the first step toward solutions by providing shelter for the unhoused.

Without secure shelter and food, other more complex behavioura­l issues cannot be addressed at all. But shelter is only a first step. We need to see more funding for assessment, mental-health and harm-reduction services, relocation of residents with complex behavioura­l problems and support for those seeking abstinence.

We need other municipali­ties besides Victoria to step up to share responsibi­lity for addressing these challenges. And we need senior levels of government to reinstate some of the funding for supportive community services that they have cut in the past several decades. The public-health and security risks from ignoring marginaliz­ed folks in our communitie­s are obvious. Time to do something about it together.

Stephen Tyler Victoria

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