Times Colonist

Singh defends NDP carbon price position, — without directly supporting the levy


OTTAWA — The federal leader of the New Democrats spent Monday insisting his party’s position on carbon pricing remains unchanged.

But Jagmeet Singh refused to say explicitly whether he supports the consumer levy, and Canadians having to pay it on everyday items like gasoline.

“Our position is not changed — at all,” he told reporters. “We absolutely support a price on pollution. We’ve always supported it.”

Singh faced reporters for the first time since a speech last week at the annual Progress Summit, where he created confusion about the NDP position on the federal consumer levy on fuel.

In the address, Singh sang the praises of “affordable, low-carbon options” and vowed to “not punish people” who can’t change how they heat their homes or get to work.

He later said the New Democrats would be putting forward a vision to tackle climate change that would emphasize initiative­s with the most impact, such as methane regulation­s and a carbon price on industrial emitters.

“Make those even stricter, make those even stronger, look at other ways for us to really take on big polluters,” Singh told reporters last Thursday.

“We don’t want working people to feel like they’re shoulderin­g the burden. That’s not fair. And frankly, not a New Democrat solution to the problem.”

His comments followed those of NDP environmen­t critic and Victoria MP, Laurel Collins, who said carbon pricing was not the “be-all, end-all” of climate action as she explained the NDP’s decision to vote alongside Conservati­ves for a parliament­ary motion critical of the Liberal policy.

The NDP has long championed carbon pricing and inked it into its 2019 campaign.

The apparent shift in tone even seemed to flummox Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who last week admitted he doesn’t understand the NDP’s position.

Trudeau noted that Singh is facing “political pressure” from conservati­ve premiers and Conservati­ve Leader Pierre Poilievre, who want to scrap the policy.

Poilievre has indeed been travelling the country, including to NDP stronghold­s across British Columbia and northern Ontario, to rally supporters around his “axe the tax” message.

Public opinion polls show both the NDP and Liberals are bleeding support to the Conservati­ves as Poilievre champions affordabil­ity as his main issue, painting the supply-and-confidence agreement they entered into in March 2022 as a “costly coalition.”

The NDP says the deal has delivered Canadians wins on pharmacare and dental care, although it has been a struggle for that to sink in.

While the Tory leader blames the consumer carbon price for adding to Canadians’ anxieties about affordabil­ity, both the Liberals and NDP accuse him of having no plan to tackle climate change.

Following Singh’s speech last week, the NDP released a statement insisting it supports the “consumer carbon price.”

But when asked Monday to clarify whether he maintains that position himself, Singh would only say the party’s voting record makes clear that it supports “a price on pollution,” not specifying whether that includes a levy paid by consumers despite multiple questions to that effect.

“We absolutely support a price on pollution. We have not changed our position on that,” he said.

“We need to make sure we fight the climate crisis with everything we have, but the Liberals are eroding that trust by not supporting working-class people,” Singh added.

 ?? ADRIAN WYLD, THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Federal NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh insists his party has always and continues to support a “consumer carbon price.”
ADRIAN WYLD, THE CANADIAN PRESS Federal NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh insists his party has always and continues to support a “consumer carbon price.”

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