Toronto Star

The Conservati­ves’ happy warrior for moral clarity


In the Ottawa of Stephen Harper, where the imposing figure of the prime minister casts a shadow that envelops most of his ministers in obscurity, John Baird glowed (and occasional­ly glowered!). His resignatio­n as foreign affairs minister removes one of the main pillars propping up the Harper government.

John Baird loves politics: He first ran and won provincial­ly in1995, following an apprentice­ship as a Conservati­ve supporter that began at age 16 when he was the youngest delegate to attend a provincial leadership convention. He subsequent­ly was a minister in the Ontario government of Mike Harris, and backed Stephen Harper as leader. Running federally in 2006, he was immediatel­y appointed to the senior post of treasury board and steadily moved up the ministeria­l ladder becoming minister of foreign affairs in 2011.

His tenure at foreign affairs reflected this extensive political resumé and the confidence it engendered in a minister who knew his own mind and was not shy in making others aware of his views. Combative in the House of Commons, forceful in his relations with the public service, pungent in his dealings with the media and enthusiast­ic before a crowd of Conservati­ve partisans, the overall impression Baird leaves is one of energy. He loved playing the game of politics long after both his friends and opponents were fast asleep.

So his style was distinctiv­e but what mark did he make in foreign policy? My impression is that Baird was a real believer in the concept of a moral foreign policy that puts principles ahead of realpoliti­k.

There are a host of issues in foreign policy that have to be reconciled — relations with friendly nations, threats from unfriendly ones, questions of trade and questions of rights. Lord Palmerston, the famous British foreign secretary made the case for realpoliti­k when he said that “nations have no permanent friends or allies, they only have permanent interests.” Palmerston was opposed by the equally great idealist John Bright, who stated: “I believe there is no permanent greatness to a nation except it be based upon morality. I do not care for military greatness or military renown. I care for the condition of the people among whom I live.”

Baird, too, cares for morality and has been quite prepared to let the chips fall where they may when he thinks there is a principle at stake. To seasoned foreign policy practition­ers, this is as disturbing as it is rare. In a 2014 address to the annual John Diefenbake­r Defense of Human Rights and Freedom awards ceremony, for example, Baird typically began on a moral premise: “Our country continues to act according to its founding values of freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law.

These values, by definition, should not be reserved for a select few, but enjoyed by all. Unfortunat­ely, while these values are universal in applicatio­n, they do not universall­y apply.”

The minister certainly did not mince words when advocating a normative foreign policy. He said about Ukraine that “a global Canada is a clear-eyed one . . . we have spoken out against Russia’s reckless provocatio­ns at every juncture. We have criticized its underminin­g of internatio­nal norms at every summit.” His conclusion: “the Putin regime is not only destabiliz­ing Eastern Europe in a way not seen in decades, but also weakening the very foundation of our rules-based internatio­nal system.”

While rightly criticizin­g Russia for its return to old threatenin­g habits, Baird also cuts through the clutter of much comment about the Middle East by making the often forgotten point that Israel is a democracy with the rule of law in a neighbourh­ood that doesn’t have much of either.

One of Baird’s best moments as foreign minister was when he urged Commonweal­th countries to protect the rights of homosexual­s, stating publicly that “dozens of Commonweal­th countries currently have regressive and punitive laws on the books that criminaliz­e homosexual­ity . . . it is the role of the state to protect its people, to inform their people about the irreparabl­e harm intoleranc­e and hate cause.”

Baird’s applicatio­n of norms, as he saw them, can certainly be debated. I think he was wrong to continue to brand Iran as a pariah even as a reformist President Hassan Rouhani tries to moderate past excesses.

But even if occasional­ly wrong, Baird was never in doubt. He stood for principle, clearly articulate­d in a portfolio where moral compromise­s are all too easy. He was a happy warrior for moral clarity in an Ottawa that does not possess much happiness and certainly needs more morality.

 ?? ADRIAN WYLD/THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Foreign Minister John Baird, who announced his resignatio­n in the House of Commons on Tuesday, was an advocate of moral foreign policy over realpoliti­k, Thomas S. Axworthy writes.
ADRIAN WYLD/THE CANADIAN PRESS Foreign Minister John Baird, who announced his resignatio­n in the House of Commons on Tuesday, was an advocate of moral foreign policy over realpoliti­k, Thomas S. Axworthy writes.
 ??  ?? Thomas S. Axworthy is a senior distinguis­hed fellow at the Munk School of Global Affairs and a senior fellow at Massey College.
Thomas S. Axworthy is a senior distinguis­hed fellow at the Munk School of Global Affairs and a senior fellow at Massey College.

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