Toronto Star

In his own words

Entries describe dealings with Conservati­ve MPs from across the country


Senator’s diary reveals tidbits of political intrigue,

OTTAWA— It’s a window into the daily life of a senator.

Mike Duffy kept a detailed calendar that was part diary, part day-timer that reveals political intrigue and mundane dealings.

The document, entered into evidence on the first day of his criminal trial on Tuesday, begins Jan. 1, 2009 with the notation, “heavy winter blizzard.” It ends on Dec. 31, 2012 with the note “New Year’s eve dinner.”

In between are 231 pages of diary entries detailing the business meetings, the personal pastimes, even the health and weight of the journalist­turned senator.

It confirms that Duffy was a man in motion, a high-profile personalit­y who criss-crossed the country helping Conservati­ve MPs with local fundraiser­s and campaigns. His calendar lists events for Tory MPs such as Russ Hiebert, Bev Oda, Tony Clement, Daryl Kramp and John Duncan.

On Apr. 22, 2009, he writes, “National caucus — MD gets 4 positive mentions for speeches in MPs ridings,” using the short form for his name.

The diary’s typed entries offer a glimpse into the behind-the-scenes political dealings as Conservati­ves sought out Duffy for his advice on communicat­ions.

On Mar. 4, 2011, Duffy records that he had “long chat” with the Conservati­ves’ election guru Doug Finley about “MD’s role in federal election campaign.”

A month later, he records that senior aide to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Ray Novak, emails asking, “Is MD available for events wityh (sic) the PM?”

Duffy notes how he assisted Conservati­ve candidates during the 2011 federal election campaign, including recording messages for candidates and hosting “tele” town halls for Toronto-area candidates Chris Alexander and Paul Calandra, who were elected.

In earlier 2012, the Prime Minister’s Office sought his help to “assist with media on robocalls,” the election controvers­y over the automated phone calls that misdirecte­d voters away from polling stations.

The calendar also records several cocktails and dinners at 24 Sussex, the home of the prime minister, as well as times when Duffy spoke to Harper during caucus meetings.

His entries hint at the secret discussion­s that occur during caucus meetings, revealing, for example, the angst in early 2012 among Conservati­ves at Harper’s plan to pushback the age of eligibilit­y for Old Age Security benefits. “Big rexn (sic) from MPs — flooded by calls from worried seniors,” Duffy wrote.

On June 17, 2009, he says the prime minister provided an update to Conservati­ve MPs on “agreement with Iggy to avoid a summer election,” referring to then Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff.

On March 13, 2012, the diary records a lunch with former prime minister Brian Mulroney and his former senior aides Bill Pristanski and Derek Burney at the Rideau Club. The trio discussed the “(Conservati­ve party) absence in Quebec; danger of PQ, Mulcair threat and need for ‘something’ big because the ‘accounting of dealing with the deficit’,” according to the diary.

But the entries also include the mundane—“Renew Costco membership,” “setup new Apple Iphone (sic)” and “AOL account infected by virus.”

He was dutiful about recording his dinners — Swiss Chalet and Baton Rouge appear to be a favourite choice for he and wife, Heather.

Duffy was also painstakin­g in recording his health, weight and doctor visits.

As for his own fate, the diary presented in court ends in 2012, just as the expense claim controvers­y is heating for Duffy. But it does include two telling comments that hint at the storm to come.

He notes that on Dec. 3, 2012 the Ottawa Citizen ran a front-page story about his housing allowance. Two days later, he records that he talked with Marjory LeBreton, at the time the leader of the government in the senate, about his housing allowance.

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