Toronto Star

Bell drops controvers­ial tracking program

Telecom promises to delete customer profiles gathered from targeted advertisin­g initiative


OTTAWA— Bell Canada has agreed to scrap a controvers­ial program that tracked its customers’ online activity to create profiles for advertisin­g companies.

But the telecom says it will reintroduc­e its Relevant Advertisin­g Program again, this time requiring customers’ express consent to be tracked.

The advertisin­g initiative had aimed to track customers’ Internet, telephone and television habits to create detailed profiles for advertiser­s.

Besides ending the program, existing Bell users’ profiles will be deleted, the company told Privacy Commission­er Daniel Therrien.

“Last week Bell announced we agreed with the privacy commission’s (sic) findings and we appreciate­d the clarity on what is a relatively new marketing segment,” Bell spokeswoma­n Jacqueline Michelis wrote in a prepared statement. “We’ll be reintroduc­ing the program based on the opt-in approach as noted earlier.”

In a report made public last Tuesday, Therrien’s office ruled the program violated federal privacy laws, and should be limited to only those customers who explicitly volunteer to be tracked.

“To a certain extent, Bell got caught with its hand in the cookie jar.” CARMI LEVY TECHNOLOGY ANALYST

Bell initially refused the watchdog’s recommenda­tion, suggesting they’d continue to allow users to opt out if they didn’t want to be monitored. But the company seemed to reverse their position hours after Therrien released the report.

Therrien was unconvince­d, and said publicly that he would consider taking Bell to court if the program wasn’t changed. On Monday, Therrien’s office reported Bell would scrap the program altogether.

Bell unveiled the Relevant Advertisin­g Program in August 2013, notifying five million mobile customers their traffic would be tracked to create user profiles.

The idea was that Bell would then market the profiles to advertiser­s as a way to reach their target demographi­cs — for instance, 20-somethings in downtown Toronto, or the 50-plus crowd in Montreal. While no customer informatio­n was turned over directly, advertiser­s could tell Bell where to focus their marketing.

Of the five million users notified, fewer than 100,000 opted out of the program, Bell told a Senate committee last year.

Carmi Levy, a London, Ont.,-based technology analyst, said that kind of data is “worth its weight in gold.”

“Bell was clearly reaping massive rewards from its practice of tracking its customers’ activities . . . Not having access to this spigot of informatio­n has the potential to significan­tly reduce (Bell’s) visibility into the habits, needs and desires of its customers,” Levy said Monday.

University of Ottawa professor Michael Geist said the episode may mark a shift in Canada’s privacy landscape, potentiall­y making “opt in” the default for users’ consent.

“The (privacy commission­er) is setting the standard at opt in for uses of big data, particular­ly for paid services,” Geist, who also writes a column for the Star, said in an email. “When combined with the (government’s recent) antispam legislatio­n . . . it suggests that Canadian privacy law is shifting toward opt in as the reasonable expectatio­n for uses of consumer informatio­n that don’t clearly benefit consumers.”

Mirko Bibic, Bell’s executive vicepresid­ent of regulatory affairs, told a Senate committee last year that targeted ads from companies such as Google and Facebook have become ubiquitous, and customers don’t seem to mind. “We’re used to that, we see that all the time, and we think, ‘This is convenient. This is a better mousetrap than ever before.’ Those recommenda­tion engines these vast, global companies are using are based on data mining,” Bibic told senators.

But privacy advocates, including Geist, have pointed out that those Internet services are opt in by default, and can’t track users if they don’t log in, unlike Canadians’ Internet and telephone service providers.

Levy said that he expects other Canadian telecoms could be looking at similar targeted advertisin­g profiles.

“To a certain extent, Bell got caught with its hand in the cookie jar, here. But let’s not assume that other telecoms aren’t behaving in a similar manner,” Levy said. “This issue is industry wide.”

 ??  ?? Privacy Commission­er Daniel Therrien considered taking Bell to court.
Privacy Commission­er Daniel Therrien considered taking Bell to court.

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