Toronto Star

Pedophile prof shared his fantasies

Benjamin Levin exchanged photos, descriptio­n of kids with U.K. man, court hears


The lines between fantasy and reality were in question Monday at a sentencing hearing for a former deputy education minister on child pornograph­y charges.

A packed Finch Ave. courtroom heard that Benjamin Levin, 63, had a “pedophilic interest” in adolescent­s and made a trip to Amsterdam to meet up with a British father who previously exchanged photos and sexual descriptio­ns of children with him.

Though forensic psychologi­st Julian Gojer insisted there was no proof that any child was involved with their meetup, Crown co-counsel Patricia Garcia argued that it and discussion­s of oral, vaginal, anal and sado-masochist acts demonstrat­ed fantasy transcendi­ng into reality.

Clayton Ruby, Levin’s lawyer, vehemently argued it was merely fantasy and even noted that overseas police executed an investigat­ion into the British man, against whom they laid no charges.

“We perv together,” Garcia read from a conversati­on in incest chat rooms between the British man and Levin, who pleaded guilty to three of seven charges last month.

In other online exchanges, there was talk of anal penetratio­n, bondage and threesomes. Levin, a former member of Premier Kathleen Wynne’s transition team, sent and received photos — one of a young girl in a school uniform, who he said he found “very arousing.”

Meanwhile, Garcia said he kept a “long, rambling” spreadshee­t documentin­g the names, genders and ages of children and predilecti­ons of those interested in abusing them.

“Some were so egregiousl­y ridiculous that he could see through them,” Gojer pointed out, adding that Levin noted which ones had an air of inauthenti­city to them, making them potential fakes.

Garcia suggested that was because Levin was only interested in “authentic, realistic and legitimate” interactio­ns.

Gojer, who was first called to the stand by the defence, agreed. “The more realistic it looked, the more exciting it became,” he said.

But the real question, said Gojer, was “how much of it is fantasy and how much of it is reality?”

According to Gojer, Levin told him during an assessment, “it’s all fantasy . . . as long as they were fantasies, no one was being hurt.”

As Gojer repeated those words, Levin, clad in a grey suit, scribbled down notes on a yellow legal pad, sometimes looking down and rubbing his hand across his forehead. His demeanour was the same when the court heard that he shared the name and ages of his wife and children and other details about their family in his chat room profile and conversati­ons.

Earlier in the day, Ruby distribute­d a statement saying Levin was “deeply ashamed” of his actions.

He noted that of the roughly 2,000 pornograph­ic images found on Levin’s computer, only 14 images and two videos were considered child pornograph­y. That ratio, Gojer said, indicates a less rampant interest in child pornograph­y.

Whether the judge presiding over the case agrees has yet to be determined. She’s expected to release a sentence later this week. The sentencing continues Tuesday.

 ??  ?? Roughly 2,000 pornograph­ic images were found on Benjamin Levin’s computer.
Roughly 2,000 pornograph­ic images were found on Benjamin Levin’s computer.

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